Monday, January 29, 2018

Lancer 1-25-18


Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and important information.

Please note the DATE CORRECTION for Disneyland is
Thursday, February 8th.

Yesterday every student eligible for Disneyland was given a Disneyland Trip packet to take home. In this packet you will find a list of general rules for the day, a PERMISSION SLIP, and a TRANSPORTATION FORM. Please fill out and sign the forms as directed and send them back to school with your child to their homeroom teacher, no later than FRIDAY, JANUARY 26.
Please email me at with any questions.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Janet Ward

Open House and Entrance to
St. Francis Xavier School
Come and explore the academics, special subjects, extracurricular activities, and enrichment at St. Francis Xavier School. The Faculty and Staff are hosting an Open House on Sunday, January 28, 2018, at 11:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. On Saturday, January 27, 2018, Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten will host an Open House from 10:00A.M. to 11:30 A.M.
St. Francis Xavier School is currently accepting names to be placed on our waiting list of students interested in entering Transitional Kindergarten through Eighth Grade in August 2018. All families who wish to have their children considered for Fall entrance are asked to contact the school office between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. This includes families who have children currently enrolled at St. Francis Xavier School and would like younger or older siblings considered for admission.
In regard to Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Applicants: Due to the difference between ability and maturity levels and the corresponding relationship to school readiness, Kindergarten applicants must turn 5 years old by November 1st to be eligible to take the entrance screening. Transitional Kindergarten applicants must turn 4 years old by November 1st to be eligible for the entrance screening.
We look forward to meeting with you!

2018 CSW Logo Book Cross 3
2018 Catholic Schools Week Overview
The following activities must be incorporated into your weekly plan for the CSW to be optimally successful. Please make it a priority to meet the daily goals throughout the week. We host FOUR flag pole assemblies from 10:30-10:45 AM and a Mass at 2:00 PM to factor into the week. There are also three days of whole-class card writing and one day of student art to accommodate too. Please plan ahead to include the student work from all the grade levels. Thank you in advance for your hard work and for your support of another Catholic Schools Week.
• SATURDAY JANUARY 27: New/Prospective families only TK & Kindergarten Open House; 10:00-11:30 AM in the lower building
• SUNDAY JANUARY 28: All school Open House following 10:30 AM Mass. Junior high students invited to read as lectors and prayers of the faithful. Others may want to shadow ushers and greeters at the Mass.
• Write a class card signed by all students to the parishioners wishing them well or thanking them for their support. Turn them in to the office for display in church vestibule.
• Students receive Catholic Schools Week buttons! Please pass them out first thing in the morning! Also, please remind students to wear their pins daily!
• Teachers discuss the flier, “A Dozen Reasons to Choose Catholic Schools” and place it on a bulletin board in the room. Feel free to “chunk” the information throughout the week. Primary teachers might have the students submit reasons why they like to attend SFX and create their own list to display.
• FLAG POLE ASSEMBLY: 10:30-10:45 AM to recognize our school community leaders. Dr. Sullivan introduces Mrs. Christina Sanchez, PTO President (if available) as well as Student Council and CJSF members and their teacher leaders. Dr. Sullivan writes and shares thank you cards to send to Burbank Fire and Police Departments, City Council and to the parish thanking them for their service to our city and parish.
• BTAC canned goods donation drive. Students donate a canned good to be of service to the poor of the community.
• Announce the sale for Wednesday 1/31 from “Lancer Creative,” a small company in service to raising money for cancer research. Bailey Barrows, CEO; Ava Taylor, CCO; Taryn Castillo, CFO, Gr. 5.
• Blue and Gold Day: Students wear Lancer Blue and Gold with BLUE jeans (BLUE denim skirts and shorts okay) to show their school pride!
• Have your class complete the “We Love Our Catholic School” art template. Or use your own idea!
• FLAG POLE ASSEMLY: 10:30-10:45 AM to recognize the students involved in chess, sewing, robotics, Cheer, Student Council, CJSF, Decathlon, Mock Trial, CYO Sports, and theater! The idea is to show that the majority of the students are engaged in all sorts of school-sponsored activities. Once everyone is convened in large crowd Dr. Sullivan will lead us in a Lancer pride cheer. I’ll provide the instructions verbally!
• Knowledge Bowl: It’s the highly accomplished students versus the faculty in HCH at 2:00 PM!
• We’ll have them on display in the church vestibule for Open House Mass!
• LANCER CREATIVE: Bake sale and small wares sale to raise money for cancer research 10:15-10:30 AM and from Noon to 1:00 PM.
• Mass: 2:00 PM in church
• Class cards of thanks or encouragement signed by the children to Fr. Benny, Deacons Jim, Jaime and Tony and to Mrs. Rosie Roope, RE Director. Send them to the office and Dr. Sullivan will deliver them to the rectory.
• Create a Vocation Survey: Discuss the idea of a vocation. Create a list of vocations and have the students select the one they would most like to discern. Discuss which vocation is most to least popular and why.
• FLAG POLE ASSEMBLY: 10:30-10:45 AM We recognize Fr. Benny as our pastor and any of the deacons who might be able to come as ministry leaders. We also recognize the school sacristans and altar servers for their service to our school’s Catholic identity.
• Write class letters of appreciation signed by the children to Alberto for his hard work on behalf of the school.
• Celebrate a Random Acts of Kindness Day: Inspire the children to reach out to one another in kindness to help each person feel accepted and supported at school.
• FLAG POLE ASSEMBLY: 10:30-10:45 AM to recognize the faculty and staff of our school, including parish personnel.

SFX 1950Prom DinnerAuction Digital Invite

Parents, are you in need of PSA hours? Please contact Mrs. Porras at There are opportunities in the computer lab and library.

Dear Fellow Parishioner’s and Saint Francis Xavier Community,
To kick off the new year, we have some wondrous news to share with you! Our name’s are Nicole Howell and Lauren Ryan and we are alumni of the Saint Francis Xavier class of 2014. We have been selected to be representatives for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Students of the Year! The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Students of the Year is a leadership development and philanthropy program in which high school students participate in a seven week fundraising competition to stimulate research for blood cancers. Not only are we representing our school, Burbank High School, but the City of Burbank as well. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society exists to find cures and ensure access to the best available treatment for all blood cancer patients. During this seven week campaign- starting on January 22nd through March 7th- we will both be keeping our loved ones near to heart and in remembrance.
When the opportunity came our way, we immediately thought of our second family- the Saint Francis Xavier community. We simply could not turn down this amazing offer. Saint Francis Xavier is not just a school for learning mathematics or reading. It’s a place where students and adults alike learn what it means to be apart of a moral and supportive community. From the teachings of the Church we have deepened our faith and have also learned how to apply those lessons into our daily lives. Saint Francis Xavier is one of the main reasons we have decided to embark on this amazing opportunity. We desire to help others just as Jesus and many others selflessly did. This is why we ask for your help at this time. This journey is not about the two of us or the time it will take to complete. It’s about the standards that we have been taught since we first attended kindergarten at Saint Francis Xavier School.
Another personal factor that influenced us to help this foundation was the remembrance of our loved ones who have suffered from cancer. On March 9, 2017 Nikki’s father was diagnosed with stage three colon cancer. Lauren’s brother and grandma were once diagnosed with lymphoma, but currently live cancer free. However, this has sadly not always been the case. On April 22nd, 2009 Lauren’s father lost his third battle to Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Without the research funded by organizations like the Leukemia and Lymphoma society, the survival rate of cancer would drastically decrease. So many people supported our families through these difficult moments. Therefore, we wish to improve the quality of life of others and this campaign is how we plan to start. To be able to provide help physically, emotionally and financially is a blessing to the patients and ourselves alike.
We ask that you please join us in our journey of candidacy to help put an end to cancer all together! Help us reach our $50,000 goal by making a donation to the 2018 Students of the Year campaign. Once $50,000 is met, our team will be given a research grant in honor or memory of a loved one. Please help us achieve our goal and consider making a generous donation to our campaign, which kicks-off on January 22nd, 2018 and ends with the Grand Finale Celebration on March 9th, 2018. Our goal cannot be achieved alone and this is why we need the Saint Francis Xavier community’s assistance! Ways to be involved include:
• Donating after Mass to a table we will have set up. Checks can be made out to “The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.” Please include our names on the “memo” line.
• You can donate to the Saint Francis Xavier fundraising page at:
• Also, another way to help is at our Grand Finale Celebration! There will be a silent auction, any donations towards this event would be tremendously appreciated.
• LLS also offers wonderful partnership benefits for companies that would like to support and or sponsor the campaign.
We would like to take the time to thank the Saint Francis Community in advanced for all the support and benevolence. If you would like to receive more information about this campaign, please feel free to contact us at any time! Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and we hope you are interested in the battle against cancer! Happy New Year and God Bless you!
Lauren Ryan and Nikki Howell

Howell pic
Acts 20:35 And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Lauren and Nikki at their first Christmas show 2006.
Nikki Howell
(818) 926-7459
Lauren Ryan
(818) 967-1325

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Friday, January 19, 2018

Lancer 1-17-18


Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and important information.

No Family Envelopes will be going home this week. Thank you.

Open House and Entrance to
St. Francis Xavier School
Come and explore the academics, special subjects, extracurricular activities, and enrichment at St. Francis Xavier School. The Faculty and Staff are hosting an Open House on Sunday, January 28, 2018, at 11:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. On Saturday, January 27, 2018, Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten will host an Open House from 10:00A.M. to 11:30 A.M.
St. Francis Xavier School is currently accepting names to be placed on our waiting list of students interested in entering Transitional Kindergarten through Eighth Grade in August 2018. All families who wish to have their children considered for Fall entrance are asked to contact the school office between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. This includes families who have children currently enrolled at St. Francis Xavier School and would like younger or older siblings considered for admission.
In regard to Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Applicants: Due to the difference between ability and maturity levels and the corresponding relationship to school readiness, Kindergarten applicants must turn 5 years old by November 1st to be eligible to take the entrance screening. Transitional Kindergarten applicants must turn 4 years old by November 1st to be eligible for the entrance screening.
We look forward to meeting with you!



Showroom Sale

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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Lancer 1-10-18


Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and important information.

principals message
Dear Families and Friends of St. Francis Xavier School,
Happy New Year! It is good to return to school. The children are boundless in their energy and enthusiasm for St. Francis Xavier, having fun learning and socializing with one another. They do enjoy their routines at school! With the wet weather, we have been a cooped-up in the rooms, but all is going well as we dive into the early weeks of 2018! And what better way to welcome back the sun with another family day on Wednesday 1/10?!
Parent/Teacher Conferences are on the horizon. From what I have heard from a few people the idea to utilize Sign-Up Genius was appreciated! I am glad to know the program provided parents some flexibility to schedule their conferences. Remember we will have Noon dismissals Wednesday-Thursday, January 17-19 and making use of the afternoon times beginning at 1:00 PM for the conferences.
This morning we practiced another lock-down drill. We take time monthly to practice emergency preparedness. The children do a fine job cooperating during these necessary excursions for the unknown. God-willing we will never endure a true emergency requiring us to hunker-down at school! As always, please use this news as a reminder to check your personal emergency supplies at home in the event of an emergency!
Thank you for your awareness on the parking lot these rainy days, and in general. Morning and afternoon procedures appear to be going well. Thank you again to the various parents who informed us about the Choice Lunch driver who was speeding through the lot. The call to inform the company has paid dividends. We seem to have a calmer drop off and pick up experience with the company. Please keep eyes alert and inform us as you need to regarding all safety matters.
Wednesday 1/10 marks the half-way point of the second trimester of school! Please take a moment to review your child’s progress on Gradelink. The teachers should be up to date with grades by the week’s end. If you remain concerned about progress in advance of the Parent/Teacher Conference week, please notify your child’s teacher for guidance.
We gather for Mass this Thursday 1/11 to celebrate the virtues of peace and justice. What a great theme for Mass this is because it coincides with the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial weekend. Joining us for the next two weeks is Fr. Joe Maclean. If you recall Fr. Joe filled in for Fr. Benny last year at this time. Fr. Benny is away for a family reunion and Fr. Joe will be our spiritual leader for the duration. Joining Fr. Joe at this week’s Mass is Deacon Jim Roope. Please join us for 2:00 PM if your schedule permits.
The faculty and I are editing and updating the school’s self-study for the WCEA/WASC accreditation. It won’t be long before the Visiting Committee arrives to the school for a three-day visit in March. The dates for the visit are Tuesday through Thursday March 6-8, 2018. Typically, the team will schedule an evening meeting with the parent community on the first date of the visit. The team is charged with writing an accreditation report that requires viewpoints from all stakeholders of the school community. To ascertain some perceptions of the school experience from parents, the Tuesday night meeting requires your participation. I will remind you again through these letters leading up to the visit about attending the meeting.
On a separate note, after attending the most recent PTO Board meeting I was informed that morale at St. Francis Xavier among parents is in need of a boost. Symptomatic of the issue is the low attendance at the second and third PTO General meetings of the school year. Additionally, it was said that some parents have questions about a variety of topics for which they seek additional information. While I don’t have all the answers, what I can do is commit to discussing with you my dear families your concerns at the second and third PTO General meetings each year. I will begin in earnest this March 1 by discussing the organizational model in use at St. Francis Xavier School. I’d like to start at the macro level and narrow the conversation from there. At future meetings I anticipate receiving some topical discussion points in advance so as to facilitate presentations without taking innumerable questions, as that is not what I want for these sessions. But a broadened approach to discussing parent concerns and perceptions at the second and third PTO General meetings might be an immediate help to hear from families. Hopefully this idea will also make a positive impact on the morale of the parent community.
Finally, my friends, three fifth grade girls, Ava Taylor, Taryn Castillo and Bailey Barrows, who call themselves “Lancer Creative,” are committed to selling a variety of wares to the school children on Wednesday 1/31 in support of cancer research. The girls have been busy building the inventory they plan to sell. Not long after discussing this project with our fifth graders did I receive a call to meet with two alumni Lancers from Burbank High School to discuss with them their goal to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Nikki Howell and Lauren Ryan, members of the Class of 2014, are spearheading a campaign to raise much needed research dollars for the society. Nikki’s father has been diagnosed with a cancer and Lauren lost her father to lymphoma. Needless to say, one can ascertain their interest in helping fund cancer research. The idea now is to have our fifth grade girls and student body support our alumni girls in their goals to help the society raise funds. Moreover, Nikki and Lauren have crafted a letter that invites the school and parish communities to donate as you see fit to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s fundraising goals. The letter will be published in the Lancer next week. These experiences are at the heart of St. Francis Xavier School and Parish, and moreover, Catholic education. We don’t fully realize the extent the influence the St. Francis Xavier School and Parish experience has on our youngest members. They connect to a faith-filled life experience because their parish and school host a strong, vibrant Catholic identity.
God bless you as we move into Parent/Teacher Conferences and into the later weeks of January. My prayer for us is to come together for the benefit of our children and families to make active the church in Burbank and the greater Los Angeles communities. Take care!
Paul Sullivan, Ed.D.
St. Francis Xavier School, Principal

thank you
Dear Parents and Friends,
A happy and blessed New Year to all of you
and fond wishes that your Christmas was peaceful
and joy-filled!
The Christmas Show opened the week before
Christmas with wondrous little voices singing carols
warming our hearts. What a treasure and inspiration
our students are to us!

We also extend our many thanks to all of the
Parents who delivered baskets of goodies to the Faculty
Room. We all enjoyed mini-feasts of new tastes and
scents. Each basket was delicious and appreciated to
the end. Thank you for your gracious hospitality to
all of us.
We are now looking forward to the New Year and
all of the marvelous opportunities and wonderful
possibilities to be revealed to us! This new beginning is
the perfect occasion to thank you for the treasured gift
of your children and for the great love you so abundantly
share with us every day.
May 2018 be a grace-filled year for our St. Francis
Xavier School families; may it continue to bring us together
as one family; and may it foster in each of us ways to enable
our children to grow and mature in their potential as
children of God.
With joyous anticipation for a New Year filled with wonderful possibilities,
The Faculty and Staff of St. Francis Xavier School

Parent Teacher Conferences
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The month of January marks the midway point of the second trimester of school, which means it’s time for Parent/Teacher Conferences. The following three days – January 17th, 18th, and 19th – have been reserved for mandatory TK-8 Parent-Teacher conferences.
At the conferences you will be able to discuss your child’s educational development and STAR Benchmark results from the first two testing sessions.
We ask that you not only take the time to discuss grades and STAR results with your child, but to also prepare some questions you would like to have answered (and some statements to share) in preparation of your scheduled conference with the homeroom teacher.
You may want to ask the teacher:
• Does my child participate in classroom activities?
• Does my child show self-control in school?
• Does my child get along with others?
• Can my child handle the learning materials of his/her grade?
• Is my child’s comprehension suitable to that of the grade level?
• Is his/her ability equal to daily classroom performance?
• How does my child read orally?
• Does he/she know the basic math facts appropriate to his/her grade level?
• Can my child express thoughts and ideas clearly?

• How is his/her written communication?
You may want to tell the teacher:
• School activities your child talks about at home.
• Responsibilities your child handles at home.

• Recent happenings at home that might affect your child’s performance.
• Some of your child’s favorite activities and accomplishments outside of school.
• How you discipline your child at home.
• Your child’s strengths and weaknesses.
In scheduling your conference, hopefully you have attempted to schedule “family” conferences so that you will not have to return over a period of days to conference with various teachers.
Each conference is scheduled for 15 MINUTES. We ask that you be punctual and aware of time constraints. Your child’s homeroom teacher is also on a tight schedule to meet with the parents of all students in his/her class. If you need more than the scheduled 15 minutes, please do not hesitate to arrange another conference date and time with the teacher to continue your discussion.
If you wish to meet with a Special Subject Teacher, Mr. Fagan,
Mr. Magallon, Mrs. Porras, or Mrs. Raymundo, please call the school office to make an appointment.
All teachers will be meeting with parents in their homerooms. Thank you for your co-operation.
Dr. Paul Sullivan,

Student Council Sponsors
Winter Clothing Drive
The St. Francis Xavier School Student Council is sponsoring a Winter Clothing Drive starting January 8, 2018 through January 19, 2018. We will collect any of your outgrown reasonably worn, warm winter clothing during this time. All of the collected clothing will be given to the St. Charles Service Center to subsidize their efforts in taking care of the needy people who call upon them for help. Please send in your donations to your classroom. We will deliver the collection to the St. Charles Service Center.Many thanks for your help with this important drive.

ANNOUCEMENTS use this one

Enchantment Raffle.25 Oct 2017

SFX flier winter 2018

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