Thursday, September 29, 2016

Lancer 9-29-16

Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and information.
Do not forget to download the SFX School App to have all information at your fingertips. Included in this app are links to GradeLink, SmartTuition, School Calendar, ChoiceLunch, SignUpGenius, PSA Hours Report, and the SFX Blog which includes the weekly lancer and other important information happening at the school.



Picture Make-up Day will be Thursday, October 6th.

Tuition is due on October 1, 2016

You can pay with cash or check in the Parish office. If you pay by check in the parish office please make check payable to St. Francis NOT Smart tuition. if you are mailing your check to Smart Tuition, you can make your check payable to Smart Tuition.

OTCF Hours

The OTCF hours have not been submitted yet. They should be online in the next month. OTCF hours submitted are after the mandatory shift has been deducted.
Book Fair 2016
lee denim

American Cancer Society Denim Day

Student Council is excited to once again sponsor Denim Day on Friday, October 7, 2016 to help fight against breast cancer. We are proud that 100% of the money raised on Denim Day will go directly to the American Cancer Society. Since 1996, Lee National Denim Day has helped raise more than $93 million! This year, Lee Jeans gifted the Denim Day campaign to the American Cancer Society. While Lee will continue to support Denim Day as a participating organization, Lee Jeans knew that there was no better organization to continue what they started 20 years ago to positively impact breast cancer outcomes in the U.S. So, beginning this year the campaign will be the American Cancer Society Denim Day!
On Denim Day each of us can make a difference by supporting this cause. Dr. Sullivan would love to say that he played a role in a program that helped discover the cure for breast cancer. We know you would too!
If you would like to participate, please send us a check (no cash, please) made payable to the American Cancer Society Denim Day in the amount of $5.00. Please mark your envelope “Denim Day.” Your donation is tax deductible.
You may wear a denim dress, overalls, skirt, skort, culottes, jeans, vest, or blouse. Shorts will also be allowed, however, with a length 3 inches above the knee for girls and knee length for the boys. We are adding some more fun – wear a pink shirt, blouse, or sweatshirt, too! Otherwise, wear any other appropriate shirt or blouse.
Thank you for participating in this year’s American Cancer Society Denim Day. You have made a difference!


Tee time is just 22 days away! Don't miss out on all the tournament has to offer. A great time is guaranteed! Please see the attached forms for the entry form as well as sponsorship and donation opportunities and due dates. Don't forget, this is a great way to earn PSA Hours! Any support you can offer is greatly appreciated!
It is with a very grateful heart that we acknowledge and thank our:
Hole Sponsors: Jaramillo Family, Canzona Family, Coontz Family, Chipman Family/TVG Consulting, Howard Family/Howard Realty Group Inc., Valente Family, Stanley Family, Kehrli Family and Maddigan Family
Prize Donations: Loena Rodgers & Carlos Perez
Registered Players: Raul Ricardo, Ricardo Francia, Lazaro Marrero, Jose Ramirez, Tim Ruiz, Gianfranco Sabato, Marvin Cuenca, Brian Caldwell, Valmore Riera, Butch Clark, Eric Bowman, Garrett Chipman, Jim Stanley, David Stanley, Mike Zambo, Chad Danz, and Todd Kehrli
Please send your Entry Forms, Hole Sponsorships, and Raffle Prize Donations to school, Attn: Janet Ward or drop them off in the Kindergarten classroom.
Questions? Please email Janet at

High School Night

On Wednesday, October 5th, St. Francis Xavier School will be hosting our annual High School Night in Holy Cross Hall beginning at 7:00 to 8:30 P.M.
This evening is primarily geared to our junior high parents and their children who will have the opportunity to gather information regarding curricular and extra- curricular programs of our area Catholic Schools. The following schools will be represented:
Alemany High School Louisville High School
Bellarmine Jefferson High School Loyola High School
Chaminade High School Mayfield Senior School
Crespi High School Notre Dame High School
Flintridge-Sacred Heart Providence High School
Holy Family High School St. Genevieve High School
Immaculate Heart High School St. Francis High School
The format for the evening will follow an “Open House” model. You and your children are free to come anytime between 7:00 and 8:30 P.M. to visit the tables set up for each high school, gather literature, and personally speak to the representatives about their schools. As parents, you will also be receiving information regarding each school’s Open House., testing dates, information on the applications process, and other activities offered to potential students.
We ask that our junior high parents (especially the sixth grade parents and all new parents to our junior high program) make every effort to attend this informative session. You will be glad you did as you prepare to make the important decision of selecting the best high school for your child.
principals message
Greetings Dear Families and Friends of St. Francis Xavier School,
I hope this message finds you well. Today is picture day and the children are very excited to smile! They are the focal point of our community paparazzi!
On Tuesday September 27 we celebrated the Back-to-School and Jog-A-Thon Kick-Off Assembly. The students new to SFX were recognized as were all of the faculty and staff. There was much enthusiasm in support of all the recognized people! We next celebrated the Jog-A-Thon Art Contest winners! Congratulations to Kristian Karabuykov and Taylor Levy for outstanding artwork in support of the JAT! And to all of the students, thank you for your artistic efforts! Additionally, we geared-up our energy for the upcoming JAT event! Our students are one excited group of learners, ready to do their part in support of St. Francis Xavier School.
On Monday October 3 at 2:15 P.M. in Holy Cross Hall we assemble once again in support of the Character Counts program. At this assembly we remind ourselves about the six pillars of character and how to place these ideas at the forefront of all of our choices. We want of be a school of fine character, which includes the values of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship! Parents, your help at home discussing these six pillars will help to reinforce your child’s character at school and into the future!
On Tuesday October 4 we gather on the lower play yard to celebrate Blessing of the Animals in celebration of St. Francis of Assisi. Our celebration begins at 2:00 P.M. If you are bringing a pet to the service, please come to the classrooms as we do at pick-up to collect your children. Please refrain from collecting cousins and extended family, only your immediate children. Escort the children and your pets to the lower playground where you will join the line for blessings. All other children will be escorted to the lower yard by the teachers. Once we finish, only the children escorted by the teachers return to the classrooms. Those children with their parents and pets may dismiss from the lower yard.
On Wednesday October 5 at 7:00 P.M. in Holy Cross Hall parents and students of grades 6-8 are invited to attend the annual High School Night. This event includes 15 local area Catholic high school admissions teams who are eager to answer any and all questions about your interests in a Catholic high school for your child. I hope to see you in attendance!
The CYO Fall Sports season is underway and our teams are off to great starts! The Boys A and B Flag Football Teams are both 1-0 after victories last weekend. The Girls A Volleyball Team begins division play today, Thursday September 29 at 3:45 P.M. on the SFX Sport Court. And the Girls B Volleyball Team is 1-1 after an excellent victory yesterday at SFX! Go Lancers!
As we close out the month of September please check Gradelink for progress of your children. We are working hard in the classrooms and helping the students achieve to the best of their abilities. Of course, we have some of the hardest working children in Catholic education! They care deeply about their efforts and outcomes. With their great attitudes and fine work ethic, they are destined for academic greatness!
Recently, I have been made aware of recent graduates fighting various forms of cancer. It is gut-wrenching to say the least to hear about young adolescents who were once under our charge fighting such awful illnesses. Please keep in your prayers our children in the community who are challenged in their health. Remember their parents, too as they journey this challenging road. May our Lord be with them every step of the way to help bring much needed healing to our loved ones!
Paul Sullivan, Ed.D.
St. Francis Xavier School
turkeytrot logo
Burbank YMCA Turkey Trot 5K/10K
Thanksgiving Morning
Promo codes for $5 discount:
Start your day with a run, jog or walk!

Academic Tutor

My name is Jennifer Robinson. I am a Burbank resident and a fifteen year employee of the Burbank School District. I am available to tutor weekdays and on weekends.
I tutor in the following subject areas: math, reading, writing, and history. Please contact me at 818-395-7039. Thank you!
REFERENCE: contact JoDee Geryak
Looking for someone interested in PSA hours by working in the library at lunch on Thursdays from 12 to 1. Contact Mrs. Porras for more information at

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Lancer 9-22-16

Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and information.
Do not forget to download the SFX School App to have all information at your fingertips. Included in this app are links to GradeLink, SmartTuition, School Calendar, ChoiceLunch, SignUpGenius, PSA Hours Report, and the SFX Blog which includes the weekly lancer and other important information happening at the school.
Please click the Sign Up Genius button below to volunteer for Jog-A-Thon, Night at the Races, Golf Classic, Scrip and more. Remember all Parent Service hours must be completed by Feb. 28, 2017.
Sign Up Now!


Looking for someone interested in PSA hours by working in the library at lunch on Thursdays from 12 to 1. Contact Mrs. Porras for more information at

2017/18 Registration Payment Plan

Do you want to pay the registration fee for the 17/18 school year ahead of time? We are offering a 5 pay plan up until September 23rd. Your first payment of $100 per child will be in October 2016 and the last payment of $100 per child will be in February 2017, right in time for March Registration.
Please email Nancy at if you are interested.
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Jog-A-Thon Due Date

J-A-T is fast approaching. Sponsor sheets are due Friday, September 30th. Please do not attach any money at this time. Sponsor sheets with collection information will be returned to the children the week following the Jog-A-Thon.
A Reminder….
Thursday, September 29th is School Picture Day.
Please wear formal uniform and bring in your completed order form. Extra forms are in the school office.
Thank you!
Lee National Denim Day
Student Council is excited to once again sponsor Lee National Denim Day on Friday, October 7, 2016 to help fight against breast cancer. We are proud that 100% of the money raised on Lee National Denim Day will go directly to the American Cancer Society. Since 1996, Lee National Denim Day has helped raise more than $93 million!
On Lee National Denim Day each of us can make a difference by supporting this cause. Dr. Sullivan would love to say that he played a role in a program that helped discover the cure for breast cancer. We know you would too!
If you would like to participate, please send us a check (no cash, please) made payable to the Lee National Denim Day in the amount of $5.00. Please mark your envelope “Lee Denim Day.” Your donation is tax deductible.
You may wear a denim dress, overalls, skirt, skort, culottes, jeans, vest, or blouse. Shorts will also be allowed, however, with a length 3 inches above the knee for girls and knee length for the boys. We are adding some more fun – wear a pink shirt, blouse, or sweatshirt, too! Otherwise, wear any other appropriate shirt or blouse.
Thank you for participating in this year’s Lee National Denim Day. You have made a difference!
lee denim
SFX showdown 1
principal message
Dear Families and Friends of St. Francis Xavier School,
I hope this message finds you well! I am currently a man without an office as John Chikh, grade eight and Belle Chikh, grade seven are co-Principals for the Day! They were the lucky winners from last year’s Silent Auction at Dinner Dance. I write to you from the computer lab!
The student body, faculty and staff celebrated International Peace Day at church with a prayer service on Wednesday 9/ 21. The students decorated and hung peace flags and also planted pinwheels for peace throughout the campus as symbols of much needed peace throughout the world. We reflected on the Beatitudes from Matthew’s gospel, embracing the idea, “Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called [children] of God.” May the peace of our Lord Jesus be with us always as we encounter a world at odds with the idea of peace!
Tomorrow, Friday September 23 is a non-pupil day to accommodate the faculty, staff and me to address the first three sections of the school’s self-study. We will prepare the entire document throughout the school year to be ready for the WCEA/WASC Visiting Committee in the 2017-18 school year. Accreditation is what it is all about!
This weekend the Boys A and B Flag Football Teams begin play at Brace Canyon Park. The Boys A Team plays at 9:00 A.M. and the Boys B Team at 11:00 A.M. Looking to next week, the Girls B Volleyball Team travels to St. Finbar on Monday 9/26 to compete in their first match. The team plays their first home match on Wednesday 9/28. The Girls A Volleyball Team hosts its first match on Thursday 9/29 at home. Whether home or away, all A and B volleyball matches begin at 3:45 P.M. Come on out to support our fall Lancer sports teams! We appreciate the support of our Lancer Cheer Squad too!
The school’s annual Back-to-School/Jog-A-Thon Kick-Off Assembly takes place on Tuesday 9/27 at 2:00 P.M. in Holy Cross Hall. We will officially welcome one another back to school, introduce in a special way all of our new students, and turn our attention to celebrating the JAT Art Contest winners. We’ll also get revved-up for the upcoming St. Francis Xavier School Jog-A-Thon.
Thursday 9/29 is Picture Day. We are working with White Photography Studios in North Hollywood this year. Each child will be photographed individually. Picture packages are offered as usual. Different this year is the group photo. We will opt for a class photo on the risers in Holy Cross Hall in lieu of a composite class picture. I look forward to reviewing the results of picture day! Please ensure your child is dressed in formal uniform.
At the close of next week, we will officially encounter the half-way mark of the first trimester. Please be sure to log-on to Gradelink to review your child or children’s progress.
Our next service in our religion program takes place at Blessing of the Animals on Tuesday October 4 at 2:00 P.M. This is the service where our dear pets are invited to receive a special blessing from Fr. Benny. I’ll share more news about the service in next week’s letter.
There is a lot happening at school! And we know you are quite busy too! But together we journey on behalf of one another, keeping in mind the idea of peace to help us celebrate the successes we share, as well as troubleshoot the rough spots. And we know God is for us! This makes it all worthwhile. God bless each of us today and every day.
Paul Sullivan, Ed.D.
St. Francis Xavier School
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Monday, September 19, 2016


Upcoming deadlines at SFX

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Jog-A-Thon Deadlines

Jog-A-Thon Family Dedications, T-shirt orders, adult participation from along with the Business ad form and Principal sponsor sheet was due on September 15th. If you have any questions regarding this please email Erin Barrows at


Click the link below for the order form if you are interested in ordering the Think PINK Shirt. Shirts may be worn on Spirit Clothes days. No order, No shirt. Please email your order form today.

2017/18 Registration Payment Plan

Do you want to pay the registration fee for the 17/18 school year ahead of time? We are offering a 5 pay plan up until September 23rd. Your first payment of $125 will be in October 2016 and the last payment of $125 will be in February 2017 right in time for March Registration. Please email Nancy at if you are interested.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Lancer 9-15-16

Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and information.


Please click the Sign Up Genius button below to volunteer for Jog-A-Thon, Night at the Races, Golf Classic, Outdoor Picture Show, Scrip and more. Remember all Parent Service hours must be completed by Feb. 28, 2017.
movienite 2016
Blessing of the AnimalsFlyer
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Please join us for our Annual St. Francis Xavier Jog-a-Thon, October 6, 2016 at 8am
mass in the park
8th Annual SFX Golf Classic

Friday, October 21, 2016

September 15, 2016
Dear Families and Friends of SFX,
The 8th Annual SFX Golf Classic Tournament at DeBell Golf Club will take place on Friday, October 21, 2016. Mark your calendars, save the date, and put in for the day off! You do not want to miss out on this wonderful event!
Our Annual Golf Classic fundraiser is a great opportunity to gather together for a fun day on the golf course, and raise money for our school at the same time. When has fundraising ever been easier or more enjoyable?
The Golf Classic Committee is seeking support from our parents, parishioners, faculty and staff, alumni and friends of St. Francis Xavier. There are several opportunities in which to participate and offer your support. You may choose to play in the tournament, sponsor a hole, donate a raffle prize, or dare I say commit to all of the offered opportunities. However you choose to participate, know we are most grateful for your support. It is our greatest hope to have every school family participate in the Golf Classic in some way.
It is our goal to host 144 players this year. Please help us meet our goal! Come one, come all! Foursomes, threesomes, doubles, singles and every skill level are welcome! Grab your friends, family members, co-workers, or neighbors and register to play.
Please see the brochure that was sent home in the Family Envelope on September 1, for your entry form, sponsorship opportunities as well as general information and all deadlines.
Please know this is a wonderful way to earn your PSA hours. PSA hours will be earned for playing, sponsoring a hole, as well as all donations.
Thank you very much for your support and generosity of the SFX Golf Classic.
Janet Ward
Golf Classic Chair
2016 golf Entry Form
St. Francis Xavier’s CJSF
“Think PINK” Order Form
Click the link below for the order form if you are interested in ordering the Think PINK Shirt. Shirts may be worn on Spirit Clothes days. Order Forms are DUE Friday, September 16th! No order, No shirt!
We still have a few spots left for our September 24th archery date. This event will take place in Lower Arroyo Park in Pasadena and is organized by the Pasadena Roving Archers. The times are from 12:00 - 2:30pm. This costs $25 per participant and includes all instruction and equipment. This is for both adults and children. If you have any questions or if you are interested please send an email to and let me know who will be participating and for which date. There are only 20 spaces available per class so please let me know as soon as you can.
Dear Parents,
In today’s world, peace needs to be more than just a word. Today’s students are bombarded with television images, video games, magazine articles, and newspaper headlines that give importance to conflict and war. Violence has become commonplace and accepted as part of our society. It is our hope that through the Peace Flag Project, we can help the students make a public, visual statement of their feelings about war, peace, tolerance, cooperation, harmony, and unity, and in some way, awaken the public and let them know what the next generation is thinking.
This is not political. Peace doesn’t have to be part of a debate about war, violence in our society, or disharmony. Peace can be discussed in the context of positive collaboration. To each of us, peace can take on a different meaning, but, in the end, it all comes down to a simple definition: a state of calmness and serenity, free from conflict or disagreement among people or groups of people.
The students of St. Francis Xavier School will spend the afternoons during the week of September 19th on an introspective, spiritual, and artistic journey embracing the theme of peace. A pinwheel is a childhood symbol – it reminds us of a time when things were simple, joyful, and peaceful. Students in TK, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade will write prayers to attach to their pinwheels of various shapes and sizes as part of the creative process. Students in Grades 3rd through 8th will participate in the Peace Flag Project. The students will write their thoughts about peace, tolerance, and living in harmony with others on one side using poetry, prose, haiku, or other age appropriate writing styles. On the other side, the students will draw, paint, or collage to visually express their feelings.

The students will assemble on September 21, 2016, International Day of Peace, to “plant” their pinwheels outside the school and view their Peace Flag Project. We will gather in church at 2:15 P.M. for a simple prayer service. The spinning of the pinwheels and the flapping of flags in the wind will spread thoughts and feelings about peace throughout the city, country, and world! Our Peace Flag Project will be a visual reminder that we live in one world and all share similar hopes and dreams.
The Faculty and Staff of St. Francis Xavier School
“If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our society, will benefit from our peace.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

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