Friday, December 15, 2017

Lancer 12-14-17


Please remember to scroll down and read this whole email for all upcoming events and important information.

Christmas Show Reminders Page 1

Christmas Show Reminders Page 2

principals message
December 14, 2017
Dear Families and Friends of St. Francis Xavier School,
Merry Christmas! I hope this message finds you well and happily readying yourselves and family for the holiday break! Advent and Christmas are truly delightful times of the year!
The children are working hard to present the Christmas Shows. My apologies to the families whose last names begin with “J.” Last I wrote, I unintentionally left you off the list of attendees for night two! Mrs. Raymundo, teachers, aides, along with the support of room parents and others, are helping to ensure a delightful Christmas program. Many thanks to everyone for what you do on behalf of the children.
On a side note, I have asked the teachers to define exactly the type and level of support they need for the downtime in the classrooms on the nights of the shows. I ask that all parents honor the decisions of the teachers to help them facilitate the goings-on inside the rooms as the children wait to perform and return for the finale. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.
Thank you to the several parents who have witnessed and reported the Choice Lunch truck driver speeding through our parking lot at the close of the day. I contacted the management and was assured that the driver would be reprimanded. I was on afternoon Safety Patrol recently and noticed a much safer arrival of the driver. I can’t be certain it’s the same driver, but I am relieved to observe that the message was delivered and the driver much more safety conscious of the school grounds at dismissal. Please continue to keep a look out for safety matters!
I am also grateful to a parent who reported some minor injuries to his young children in the new jungle gym area. It’s evident that the “wood chip” flooring has the potential to pierce the soles of some shoes and pierce the skin of the foot. After discussing the matter with the Pastoral Team, we advise that families ensure that the shoes you purchase for your children have sturdy, thick soles. Soft-soled shoes may be susceptible to piercing by a “wood chip.” Please continue to alert us to any safety issues with the new play area. While we do not have immediate plans to replace the current flooring, we do want to know how often this matter occurs. The decision to use the current flooring was in consultation with experts in the field of play ground equipment. We decided on the current material as it is one of the better deterrents for impact injuries.
It’s beginning to look a lot like high school recommendation time! Mrs. Konzen has been receiving myriad requests from the Class of 2018 for high school recommendations to the various Catholic high schools in our area. We are happily accommodating all of the students and their potential high schools!
In CYO news, basketball teams are taking shape. The Boys A team is coached by Mike Graceffo and Carlos Perez, the Boys B and Girls A teams are coached by Mike Magallon, and the Girls B team is coached by yours truly. We are excited to embark on a winter basketball season of skill development, competition and fun! Go Lancers!
There has been a rash of student absences due to illness. I am sorry so many students are adversely affected by colds, coughs and other illnesses. Please be attentive to your child’s symptoms. Sending them to school when they are not well typically results in a phone call to come pick them up early. Just a friendly reminder to make sure you keep your child at home for 24 hours following a fever or vomiting. We want to minimize the potential for spreading illness among students, faculty and staff.
Robotics is taking shape. The K-3 class is the one that is drawing interest. As a final plea to be included if so interested, please remit your application and fee through your child before we break for Christmas. Applications are still available. Please email me personally if you’d like to be included.
God’s blessings on each of us as we prepare for the Savior’s birth. To the many people affected by the recent fires, we ask God to help make you whole. For those in the community battling illness and grave conditions, we ask the Lord to comfort you through the love and strength of family and friends. May this love bring you good health in body, mind and spirit.
Paul Sullivan, Ed.D.
Principal, St. Francis Xavier School

Attention Parent1 002

christmas 976
Reconciliation Service December 20, 7:00pm
Simbang Gabi
December 22, 7:00pm
Christmas Eve Masses:
5:00, 7:00, 9:00pm
Christmas Day Masses:
8:30 & 10:30am

Attention After School Care Parent1

cmas show

SFX flier winter 2018

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