Friday, October 7, 2016

Lancer 10-6-16

Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and information.
Do not forget to download the SFX School App to have all information at your fingertips. Included in this app are links to GradeLink, SmartTuition, School Calendar, ChoiceLunch, SignUpGenius, PSA Hours Report, and the SFX Blog which includes the weekly lancer and other important information happening at the school.
Tuition was due on October 1 and a late fee will be charged if not paid by the 10th. You can bring a check (made out to SFX) or cash into the parish office or you can pay through Smart Tuition.


Student Council Vision Completed

More than a year ago, Student Council President, Andrew Jaramillo and Vice-President, Daniel Maddigan dreamed of purchasing and installing two new basketball backboards for the lower school yard. Students in Grades TK through 4th Grade enjoy these at recess and lunch. One new backboard was installed during the Spring of last school year. What a difference a straight backboard and pole make in trying to make that basket!
In collaboration with this year’s Student Council President, Ryan Maddigan, and Vice-President, Matthew Aziz, last year’s Student Council was able to purchase and install a second backboard on the lower school yard. The younger children are going to be thrilled!
Congratulations to the outstanding leadership of both Student Councils, 2015-2016 School Year and 2016-2017 School Year for your outstanding leadership! Your vision and dreams have made many, many young students very happy! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


As of the 20016-17 School Year, SFX School PTO has created a Technology Committee. This group is responsible for making sure any school activates such as, Dinner Auction, the Halloween Dance and Night at the Races have their technology needs met. This includes (but is not limited to) sound, video and lighting. The Committee is looking for anyone with experience in these areas that would like to volunteer to assist with set-up, strike, and working the actual event. We’re also looking for those that may not have experience but are willing to learn.
This is a great way to earn PSA hours and is a lot of fun!
Please reach out directly to the Committee Chair, Chris Nappi for more details. Chris can be reached at:

At Mass this Weekend is a Special Collection for SFX School

Dear School Parents,
If you are attending Mass this weekend we will be having a second collection to benefit our School. Our school is the largest ministry our parish has to support. The parish provides a monthly subsidy to the school that helps pay for the operating expenses, and keeps tuition affordable for our school families. At Mass this weekend we will pass the collection basket a second time for the purpose of donating to the School. If you are unable to attend Mass and would like to still give to this special collection you can send a check through School to the Parish Office. Just put it in an envelope labeled Parish Office.
Thank you for your consideration in giving to this special ministry - The ministry of our children.

SFX Trunk or Treat Flyer 2016

Hello Families,
A reminder that the American Red Cross is holding a blood drive this upcoming Sunday, October 9th from 9am to 3pm at St. Francis Xavier Holy Cross Hall. We still have some open appointment slots. Please schedule your appointment today, below is the link.
If you should have any questions, or problems signing up for your appointment, please contact Sean Inoue below.
Thank you!
Rosie Roope
St. Francis Xavier Church

I just wanted to send a friendly reminder that if you are going to be joining us on the April camping trip we need to have your deposit by October 14th to ensure we can get you grouped with the rest of the school. Please spread the word and as always, email me if you have any questions. Bill Wickersheim
FA Camping Lake Casitas 2017


Hi Lancer families!
We are members of CJSF, or the California Junior Scholarship Foundation. CJSF tries to help others by doing charity work throughout the school year. October is the month of ghosts and ghouls, but there is something much scarier than those out there-- Breast Cancer. This disease takes tens of thousands of lives each year and that's why it is our focus for the month of October.
CJSF would like to thank everyone who supported us by purchasing our Think Pink T-Shirts! All proceeds from this fundraiser are going to help fund breast cancer research with the National Breast Cancer Foundation. But this isn’t the only way we are asking the Lancer community to help us spread awareness. We would like to invite every student to” Pink Out,” on Spirit clothes days. You know how long you've been waiting to wear your crazy, neon pink shirt to school?! Well, here is your chance! Please join us in wearing your Think Pink shirts, old and new, or any other pink shirt you have with uniform bottoms every Friday in October. Along with the shirts, we encourage you to add as much pink to your school attire as possible…as long as it’s school appropriate! So dust off those pink Converse, switch out your boring white and black shoe laces with pink ones, wear some pink socks, ribbons, bandannas, and anything else you can think of!
On behalf of CJSF, we would like to thank you for your help and support in spreading awareness for this cause by Pinking Out with us this October.
-Alexandria Sorensen & Ben Coloza


Tickets and Horses are NOW on sale for our

7th Annual A Night at the Races!

Please join us on November 5 at 6:30 in Holy Cross Hall.
Enjoy an evening of Entertainment and Fabulous Fun!
Enjoy appetizers, salads, desserts and a FULL cash bar all while betting on your favorite steed!

Free Babysitting available in the bungalow.

If you would like a ticket please email Nancy at
If you would like to sponsor a Horse please click on the Sign Up Genius button below and have the $20 sponsorship put on your tuition statement.
Thank you for supporting St. Francis Xavier and A Night at the Races.
Sign Up Now!

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©2016 St. Francis Xavier Church & School | 3601 Scott Rd. Burbank, CA 91504

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