Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and information.
Do not forget to download the SFX School App to have all information at your fingertips. Included in this app are links to GradeLink, SmartTuition, School Calendar, ChoiceLunch, SignUpGenius, PSA Hours Report, and the SFX Blog which includes the weekly lancer and other important information happening at the school.
No Family envelope will be going home today. |
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Student Council Members Installed
On Wednesday, October 19, 2016, elected and appointed Officers of the St. Francis Xavier Student Council were called to service and formally installed during a memorable Prayer Service held in Church. Mr. Will Rogers, Vice-Mayor of the City of Burbank, graciously greeted the Student Body saying how happy he was to be with us. He shared how he too is the product of Catholic Education and felt so at home with us. Mr. Rogers fondly remembered his second grade teacher, after hearing him sing, asking him not to sing any more. Mr. Rogers shared a word for our leaders to remember as they move through the school year, and that word is “compromise.” He said that we will gather better results using this method. Thank you, Vice-Mayor Rogers for your thoughts and advice!
Dr. Sullivan, as the leader of our school, lit each member’s candle as a symbol of shared responsibility and leadership as a team. As their candles glowed, each member promised to fulfill their duties, promote school spirit, and good citizenship in their parish and school. The light from the candle they held reminded them that their efforts will shine before their school mates and be an example for all. Dr. Sullivan along with the Student Body bestowed a blessing on all Student Council Members asking for God’s blessing on their call for service. Ryan Maddigan, Student Council President, gave the following speech:
“Good Afternoon Vice-Mayor Rogers, Father Benny,
Dr. Sullivan, faculty, staff, parents and my fellow students. Hello my name is Ryan Maddigan, and I am your Student Council President. I would like to thank all of you for coming and representing our school. The Student Council is a very important part of our school. Not only does it run most of the fundraisers you see at school and activities on and off campus, but the Student council also builds character. A few students elected to Student Council positions had the opportunity to attend The Association of Catholic Student Council’s Leadership Camp. The camp helped us confirm our duties for Student Council and taught us how to be better leaders. I would like to thank not only our elected officers, but also our appointed officers on Student Council. I would also like to thank Mrs. Vitale and Mrs. Konzen. Without all of you, the Student Council would not be where it is today. I hope everyone in Student Council will be a role model for younger students, and leaders to those who have lost their way. In closing, I greatly appreciate everyone on Student Council and what they do. I would like to ask for support as we are trying to make this the best year for St. Francis Xavier students!
Ryan is most enthusiastic about serving St. Francis Xavier School! We are looking forward to a wonderful year!
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7th Annual A Night at the Races
Get your tickets now to our Annual A Night at the Races. Please email to get your tickets or reserve you table for 10. Special service for a reserved table of 10.
Enjoy a night of fun and entertainment all while betting on your favorite steed. We will have a full cash bar featuring Moscow Mules in a souvenir cup. We will have food, drinks and funny money to bet with included in your price of ticket. Please join us on Nov. 5th at 6:60.
Please contact Nancy for more info.
DO YOU NEED PSA HOURS? Donate to A Night at the Races below. We still need lots of help and stuff.
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St. Francis Xavier SchoolStudent CouncilThanksgiving Food DriveTo Support Burbank Temporary Aid Center
Once again, the St. Francis Xavier School Student Council are sponsoring a Thanksgiving Food Drive beginning on October 31st and ending on November 4th. Our collection will aid the Burbank Temporary Aid Center, which is in need of many food items. Below is a suggested list of items needed by the Temporary Aid Center. To help ensure an even donation of needed items, we are suggesting the following items by grade level:
Grades 1, 2, and 3: Tuna, jelly, peanut butter, macaroni & cheese, coffee, tea
Grades TK, 5, and 8: Canned fruits, canned spaghetti, soups, hash,
canned meats, can vegetables
Grades 4 and 7: Juices, cereal, complete pancake mix, syrup, instant potatoes, powered milk
Grades 6 and K: Cookies, brown sugar, cocoa mix, Jell-O, stuffing mix, gravy
Thank you for your participation to this very worthy cause. May you and your family enjoy the rich blessings that Thanksgiving brings!
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St. Francis Xavier SchoolStudent Council Presents“Spirit Clothes”
The Student Council is promoting Spirit Clothes as a means to raise funds to send their leaders to Leadership Camp during the summer. The T-shirts and sweatshirts are white with the traditional school plaid in blue and yellow. A sample can be seen in the school hallway adjacent to the school office. The sizes and costs are shown below.
Youth Sizes for the T-shirts and Sweatshirts are Small (6-8), Medium (10-12), and Large (14-16). The Adult Sizes are Small, Medium, and Large, Extra Large. When ordering please use “Y” for Youth and “A” for Adult sizes. For Adult XXL, please add $1.00 to the Adult XL price. All T-shirts cost $20.00 and all Sweatshirts cost $25.00.
Please use the order form below to place your order. Please make your check payable to St. Francis Xavier School. Place both the order form and your check in an envelope marked “Spirit Clothes” and return it to the school office. The deadline for ordering is Monday, November 14th. If you should have any questions, please call Mrs. Konzen or Mrs. Vitale at 504-4422.
Thank you for supporting the St. Francis Xavier Student Council!
Love, Aidyn Kehrli, Elana Santos, and Emma Clegg
Please place my order for ___ T-Shirt(s), Size(s) ________________
Please place my order for __ Sweatshirt(s), Size(s) ____________
Child’s Name _____________________________ Grade ________
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There still spots available for our October 29th archery date. If you had signed up earlier please confirm that you are still available to participate. This event will take place in Lower Arroyo Park in Pasadena and is organized by the Pasadena Roving Archers. The times are from 12:00 - 2:30pm. This costs $25 per participant and includes all instruction and equipment. This is for both adults and children. If you have any questions or if you are interested please send an email to and let me know who will be participating and for which date. There are only 20 spaces available per class so please let me know as soon as you can.
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