Thursday, November 3, 2016

Lancer 11-3-16

Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and information. St. Francis Xavier School Student Council Thanksgiving Food Drive

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Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and information.
Spirit clothes order form
thanksgiving food drive

St. Francis Xavier School Student Council

Thanksgiving Food Drive To Support Burbank

Temporary Aid Center

Once again, the St. Francis Xavier School Student Council are sponsoring a Thanksgiving Food Drive beginning on October 31st and ending on November 4th. Our collection will aid the Burbank Temporary Aid Center, which is in need of many food items. Below is a suggested list of items needed by the Temporary Aid Center. To help ensure an even donation of needed items, we are suggesting the following items by grade level:
Grades 1, 2, and 3: Tuna, jelly, peanut butter, macaroni & cheese, coffee, tea
Grades TK, 5, and 8: Canned fruits, canned spaghetti, soups, hash, canned meats, can vegetables
Grades 4 and 7: Juices, cereal, complete pancake mix, syrup, instant potatoes, powered milk
Grades 6 and K: Cookies, brown sugar, cocoa mix, Jell-O, stuffing mix, gravy
Thank you for your participation to this very worthy cause. May you and your family enjoy the rich blessings that Thanksgiving brings!




On Thursday November 10, 2016 at 2:00 P.M. St. Francis Xavier School will hold the Annual Disaster Drill. The drill helps the school community prepare for a 72-hour evacuation and safe zone in the event of a major catastrophe. On this day the school community practices the pick-up routine in the event of such a major occurrence. (This drill will be rescheduled in case of rain!)
What follows are directions for parents to pick up the children on Disaster Drill Day. Please allow me to say up front, please be patient and calm as we go through the motions of the drill.
Please arrive to pick up your child/children between 2:00 and 2:45 P.M. At the close of this announcement we have suggested time windows for grade-level pick-up but we will release students on a first-come, first served basis.
Please DO NOT park on school grounds. The lots will be closed and only opened for emergency vehicles during an actual disaster. Gates will remain closed, and the west driveway will be manned by a staff member to ensure that you park on the neighborhood streets.
Park on Scott Road or an adjacent street. Please be mindful to not block any resident’s driveway. Do not double park or park in any designated red zones.
Report to the west driveway where the staff member is located. Walk up the driveway and find a place in line. The line will lead to the upper parking lot where more staff will be on duty to operate the rolling gates. This is the sign-out area. While you will not sign-out your child during this drill, we will have you do so in the event of a real emergency.
Once you arrive at the rolling gates, your child/children will be summoned and released to you. Please DO NOT loiter but instead leave immediately. This will allow the drill to run quickly and smoothly. Your quick departure will also free up parking spaces in the neighborhood.
DISCLAIMER: In the event of an actual disaster, no child will be released until picked up by a parent or another designated adult.
For families who are absolutely unable to participate, we will hold the child/children throughout the drill and release them to After School Care at the end. You may pick-up your child/children in After School Care as usual.
If you are picking up additional children besides your own, please inform the staff members at the sign-out gate. We will call all the children in your party for release at that time.
During an actual disaster we are equipped to hold and care for the children up to 72 hours. All of the faculty and staff are certified in basic First-Aid and have received many hours of training over the years.
We are the beneficiaries of many concerned and caring administrators, teachers, staff and families that have gone before us to ensure that the school is prepared to help the children during a disaster. We are grateful to the past and present PTO Boards for their assistance in making disaster preparedness a priority at St. Francis Xavier School.
I thank you in advance for reading and absorbing all of the aforementioned details. I also thank you in advance for your cooperation. Foremost among all the details, remain calm, patient, accommodating and everything will run smoothly.
If you have any questions about the Disaster Readiness Drill scheduled for Thursday November 10th, please contact me at your convenience.
Paul Sullivan, Ed.D.
Principal, St. Francis Xavier School
TK, K & 1 2:00 P.M. 4 & 5 2:30 P.M.
2 & 3 2:15 P.M. 6, 7 & 8 2:45 P.M.
Dear Families and Friends of St. Francis Xavier School,
I hope Halloween was a festive time, and that this early November finds you doing well. The teachers and students are making their way to the end of the first trimester of school! The trimester closes on Thursday November 10, and report cards will be ready for distribution on Thursday evening November 17 following the PTO General Meeting in Holy Cross Hall. Also contained in your child’s report card folder is the parent report for STAR testing from the initial testing windows of September and October. Both the report card and STAR testing results will show you quite readily the progress of your student.
We all know that safety is a priority at our school, yet we must remain vigilant to parking lot protocols. I appreciate any and all concerns that reach my office regarding the students on Safety Patrol. Please continue to alert me to student behaviors so that I may consult with the students and help them. Also, please alert extended family members unfamiliar with our parking routines to what is expected. Have them watch the video on the website to have some familiarity with the routines. Finally, if you are involved in any type of “fender bender” in the lots, please be kind enough to discuss the matter with the other party. Just yesterday it was reported that an older Honda Accord or Civic bumped into another’s car, and when the parent who was hit came out to talk to the other party, the car exited the lot without talking things over with the a parent whose car was struck. Luckily, there was no damage, but to leave the scene without talking things over is wrong. Let’s be careful out there! Remember, too, SLOW speeds when entering the lot before and after school is a MUST!
The first trimester Robotics classes are coming to a close on Friday November 4. This means registration for the next classes is now open! Certainly, if you have been interested in the program for your child but have yet to have the opportunity to enroll, you are given priority. If there remains room to fill classes, we will allow repeat students from spring of 2016 to register. If your child just completed the program we ask that you wait until the next window of classes in the third trimester before you inquire to register a second time. Please email me all interested students from grades K-8 about registering for Robotics, trimester two. I am told the classes will be a bit different from the previous classes. Dates for the classes include 11/18, 12/2 & 9, 1/6, 13, 20 & 27 and 2/3, 2017. Prices are $17 per class grades K-3, and $20 per class grades 4-8. I look forward to fielding inquiries!
The Jog-A-Thon was a great day! Monies were due on October 21, yet there are remaining monies to be collected. Please send in the monies for your child as soon as possible! This school year, all of the transportation to and from Disneyland will be by carpool. We will not be hiring busses for transportation.
Next Thursday November 10 is the school’s annual disaster drill. On this day if your child brings with them to school a snack and/or lunch, we ask that it be in a paper sack to be discarded after recess and/or lunch. The children are not able to bring home anything from class, such as lunch boxes, back packs, iPads, etc. Students should come to school without their usual belongings so they can go home the same way. If any student brings with them an item, they will need to store it in their locker over the long weekend. We don’t want lunch boxes sitting in any class for 72 hours, so please make sure your child brings a prepared snack or lunch from home in a paper sack. Hot lunch students will go to hot lunch as usual.
The Mock Trial team competes in round one of competition this evening at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in Los Angeles! We are hopeful and confident for a great experience! Congratulations to the Girls A and B Volleyball teams for great seasons of play! The Girls A team took first place in the NAC Division, enjoying a first round BYE for the CYO playoffs, but unfortunately suffering a defeat in the second round in a very competitive, thrilling match against Incarnation from Glendale. The Girls B team had a very good season with all of the girls demonstrating excellent developmental skills! The Boys A Football team plays this Saturday at 2:30 P.M. at St. Francis High School in La Canada in a first round playoff game! Good luck Boys A! The Boys B Football team went undefeated this season, going a perfect 6-0! Great job Boys B! Finally, a huge thank you to the cheer squad for supporting the volleyball and football teams this season! Good luck to the squad as they prepare for their first competitive event! Thank you coaches for your efforts! Without your commitment to the school’s extra-curricular programs and your able guidance of the students, the programs would be lackluster!
If you have yet to do so, make a point to join us at Night at the Races this Saturday November 5! This fundraiser is always loads of fun! Come on out and enjoy the evening of funny money races! You’re sure to get a kick out of the names of some of the horses. I look forward to seeing you there!
As we look to the end of the Year of Mercy, I ask God’s blessings on all of us, to help is in our lives where we might need to change. I pray, too, that we find ways to reconcile and forgive one another for the times we have disagreed or have been hurt, especially by those closest to us. The Lord’s mercy is endless and we are asked to model his mercy with all we encounter. We can reflect on this idea and more at the upcoming parish retreat, scheduled for Monday and Tuesday evenings in the church beginning at 6:00 P.M. I hope to see you there!
Paul Sullivan, Ed.D.
SFX School, Principal

Socks and Tee Shirts Needed for Veterans

Our teens in the Confirmation Year II program will be visiting the Veterans Home on Sunday November 20th.
They will be bringing with them new packages of white socks and T-Shirts (size Large or XLarge).
If you would like to donate new packages of socks or tee-shirts, there is large box in the back of church for the Veterans donations. Please drop your packages there.
Our Teens will hand deliver them to our veterans.
Thank you for your support!
Nov PTO Meeting 2016
SFX Worship 2017 Flyer
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