Thursday, December 8, 2016

Lancer 12-8-16

Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and information.

Tuition is due by December 10th. If you are paying in the Parish Office you must pay by 5 pm TOMORROW. Your tuition will be late if you put it in the mail slot over the weekend.

There will be no family envelopes going home this weekend.

The last day to order Adult or non SFX youth Disney tickets for our February field trip is December 14.


family promise
St. Francis Xavier will partner with Family Promise of the Verdugos from December 25th to January 8th.
We will be providing meals for the families in the program.
If you would like to be involved please contact JoDee Geryak

Last day to donate canned goods, toiletries, gifts, and other donations will be on Wednesday, December 14th. Burbank Coordinating Council will build the basket and deliver it to the families on December 17th.
Thank you for your continuous support and for making Christmas special for the families who are in need.
Brett Howard 818 355-6017 /
Collette Lee 818 429-8398 /

It’s Show Time…
Every year, as part of our fine arts program, students of St. Francis Xavier School participate in a Christmas Show. Performing in such an event promotes both poise and stage presence within each child as a part of their overall education. Therefore, every student is expected to participate in the show in order to perform in front of a live audience. We feel that this type of experience is invaluable.
Each family was issued four (4) tickets and assigned a date to attend our show. If you have been issued more tickets than you need, please return your surplus tickets to the school office A.S.A.P. in an envelope marked: Surplus Show Tickets. These extra tickets will be given to families who need more than the allotted four on a first come, first served basis. Should this be the case with you, please call Mrs. Konzen who will assist you in locating extra tickets.
Also, if the date you have been assigned is not convenient with you, please contact on your own, any school family who has been assigned to attend on the evening of your primary choice to see if a “swap” in dates can be arranged.
Show Dates: Tuesday, December 13th (Red Tickets)
Wednesday, December 14th (Green Tickets)
Place: Holy Cross Hall
Time: 10:45 A.M. Both Mornings
Both front doors open at 10:15 A.M. There will be two lines for admission: One to the left and one to the right of Holy Cross Hall.
Donation: Two (2) non-perishable canned items per family will be collected at the door and donated, in the name of the students, to the Burbank Temporary Aid Center.
We ask that students be at school by 8:00 A.M. for both mornings of their performance, costumed and ready to “go on” with the show.
Senior Matinee: Thursday, December 15th
10:00 A.M. – Holy Cross Hall
The Senior Matinee is for grandparents, aunts, uncles, and family friends. Please contact Mrs. Konzen for any special seating arrangements.
Students may want to come to school on Thursday dressed in their costumes, if the pants, slacks or skirts that are part of the costume can be comfortably worn to class. Otherwise, the students need to bring their costumes.
Our program is expected to last approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. As a courtesy to all student performers, it is imperative that all parents wait until the end of the show – including the FINALE performance – to pick up their children. For the safety of the children, only after the children have cleared the hall, may everyone leave to pick up the children in their classrooms. Parents are asked to use the OUTSIDE DOORS leading into their classrooms as the pick-up point. As a safety precaution and in order to avoid congestion, no one will be allowed to enter the upper school building through the center hallway.
In Regards to Picture Taking…Flash photography can affect the children during their performance, therefore, we are RESTRICTING audience members from taking pictures during the performances. For those of you who wish to take your own videos of your children’s performances, please know that this option is open to you. HOWEVER, taping the show on video must be taken from the side aisles. No one will be allowed to video tape from the center aisle or by the front of the stage where the children will be performing. These areas are reserved for the children’s performance and exits. As a reminder, David Hansen-Sturm will be video-taping both days and will be offering his DVD to us. Order forms can be found in the school office and in Holy Cross Hall both days of the performances. In addition, the seating section at the back of Holy Cross Hall must be kept clear for the children to exit following their performance.

Thank you for your attention to all these details. Enjoy the show!

christmas dvd

kids art winter 2016

MCD xmas
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