Thursday, September 28, 2017

Lancer 9-20-17


Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and information.

FORMAL DAY tomorrow...Please join us for prayer service tomorrow if your schedule permits at 2:15 for International Day of Peace.

Congratulations to Prudence Stanley, 3rd Grade & Christofer Sanrow, 7th Grade! Prudence & Christofer's wonderful drawings will be printed on this year's JAT t-shirts for everyone to enjoy. Way to go!



Congratulations to the children whose awesome drawings were chosen as class winners. They will have their wonderful drawings printed in this year's JAT program.
And the winners are: TK-Judith Shin, K-Nevaeh Dimaguila, 1st Gr.-Emma Shilling, 2nd Gr.-Isabella Riera, 3rd Gr.-Austin Gonzaga, 4th Gr.-Colette Nappi, 5th Gr.-Bethany Caloza, 6th Gr.-Chloe Cruz, 7th Gr.-Natasha Pace, 8th Gr.-Annie Buffolino. Good job one and all!

PTO Corner
Saturday Night went on without a hitch! There was the Lego Batman Movie, light up toys, food and drinks!! Everyone had a blast!! A special thank you to Jason Murtha, our PTO Family Activities Chair, and his crew for putting on an awesome night for the SFX Community!

principals message
September 20, 2017
My Dear Families and Friends of St. Francis Xavier School,
I hope this message finds you well. We are off to a blazing start at school. The teachers are incorporating solid objectives within their lessons, the students are engaged in their daily work and getting into the homework routine, and parents are supporting us in myriad ways! This is the dynamic of a successful educational experience! More news on this idea in a moment.
This Thursday 9/21 is the annual International Day of Peace. Please join us for the scheduled prayer service in the church for 2:15 P.M.
Next Tuesday 9/26 at 2:00 PM in Holy Cross Hall is our annual Welcome Back-To-School and Jog-A-Thon Pep Rally! Hooray! We will officially welcome all students and faculty along with a special welcome to our newest students and faculty. The parent community is always welcome at our scheduled assemblies. This gathering is always charming when we introduce the TK! Hopefully we might see a few of you in attendance!
The afterschool programs are off to a nice start! Robotics, Chess, Sewing and CYO Sports are filled with enthusiastic students! We look forward to a great first trimester of after-school programs!
Recently sent home to you was the “Acknowledgement of Receipt of Guidelines for Adults Interacting with Minors” memo. The paper requires the signatures of both parents, not solely one or the other. If you have yet to return the paper, please ensure that both parent signatures are included. For single-parent families please indicate that stipulation on the paper. If we have papers that need to be returned for additional signatures you will be notified.
Parking lot safety is going mostly well! I am grateful to Mr. Jason Murtha for his volunteer spirit to lead the parking lot safety effort on behalf of the school community. Remember that Jason is also a parent and performs this service on behalf of all of us. So please be mindful of his reminders to you if he sees fit to approach you for any reason. What we should not do is argue with him or take lightly his advice. If he sees that you need a reminder he has the authority to do so. Let’s work with Jason in the best way possible.
I’d like to come back to the idea of a successful school experience. Many of you know me well and understand that I lead the school with patience and tolerance. I take my lead from Pope John XXIII who said, “See [and hear] everything, overlook a great deal, correct a little.” This advice is prescient when one is at the helm of any organization. The idea of micro-management is overrated. I depend on my colleagues to help guide the ship and for parents to help me see and hear everything too. But when I do “correct a little,” I need a positive response. I am the first to admit that we are not perfect at SFX, but we try day in and day out to serve the needs of the students and families. I am confident in saying that we are a great source of comfort for the educational needs of families and their children. But when I am alerted to community members venting frustrations with others, either in person or on social media, before addressing matters with those within the school I must explain that such behavior is counter-productive to the wellness of St. Francis Xavier School and Parish. We are a community of educators, ministry leaders, students and parents. It is up to all of us to treat one another with respect and dignity. While frustrations are part of our human nature we must be able to direct them in a productive way. Please make appointments with any of us on staff to discuss any and all difficulties. We are all professionals in our spheres of work. We must rely on and utilize this professionalism to help us navigate the difficult waters of the river when they occur.
Faculty, students and parents all drive successful schools. When all of these constituencies are blended and overlapping harmoniously, great outcomes are in store for us to enjoy.
Houston, Florida, Mexico and now Puerto Rico are on our minds. I will discuss with Miss Sanchez and Miss Durghalli and the Student Council what we might do to help our student body be of service to those in dire need. I’ll share more news about this next week.
Thank you for reading my letter. I was a bit like St. Paul at one point [although, trust me, with feet of clay], nonetheless, I trust you understand what we need to do to address concerns.
It is a treasure to work with your children. I am enjoying immensely working my colleagues and with all of you. May God bless us and remind us in the silence of our hearts daily the virtues by which Jesus taught us so long ago.
Paul Sullivan, Ed.D.
St. Francis Xavier School

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Do you love books? Do you want to get more involved at school? Do you need PSA hours? Then this is the job for you! I am looking for someone to be present for most shifts during our book fair. Usually, that means during recess, lunch, and after school for about an hour. You do not have to be there for every shift, but I need someone who can be there for many of those shifts and oversee the other shifts. The Book Fair is a LOT of fun! If you are interested, I would love to talk to you. The dates that help is needed will be Monday, October 9 -- Tuesday, October 17
Please email Nicole Taylor at or text me at (818) 515-9613.

CJSF Food Drive

St. Francis Xavier Families,
The 9th Annual SFX Golf Classic Tournament will take place on Friday, October 20th at the DeBell Golf Club. Mark your calendars, save the date and put in for the day off!
Our Annual Golf Classic fundraiser is a great opportunity to gather together for a fun day on the golf course and raise money at the same time. When has fundraising ever been easier or more enjoyable!
The Golf Classic Committee is seeking support from our parents, parishioners, faculty and staff, Alumni and friends of St. Francis Xavier. There are several opportunities in which to participate and offer your support.
You may choose to, Play in the Tournament, Sponsor a hole, Donate a raffle prize or DO EVERYTHING!!!
However you choose to participate, we are grateful for your support. Our goal is to host 144 players this year and all are welcome. Foursomes, Threesomes, Doubles, or Singles of any skill level. Grab your friends, co-workers or neighbors to play.
Please see the tournament brochure that is going out in the family envelope on Thursday September 21st for the entry form and information on deadlines and sponsorship opportunities.
Please know that this is a great way to earn PSA Hours. PSA Hours will be earned for playing, sponsoring a hole, and for donations.
Thank you in advance for your support to the SFX Golf Classic
Scott Scozzola – SFX Golf Classic Chair (818) 612-4685

Mark your calendars for our 8th Annual ‘A Night at the Races' on November 4th!!.
Buy your horses now at:
You can also sign up to donate or work at:

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