Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Lancer 11-15-17


Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and important information.

SFX November 2017 PTO Meeting

Honors Assembly will be held at 2 pm tomorrow in Holy Cross Hall, please join us if your schedule permits.

November 21st will be 12pm Early Dismissal
No School November 22-24. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Attention After School Care Parents:
We will close at 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday,
November 21, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving!

The Library needs volunteers Tuesdays 12-1pm on a weekly basis.. Please email Mrs. Porras at PSA hours will be given! Thank you.


Currently, the PTO Board is in need of a Secretary who will be apart of our Executive Board. During the PTO General Meeting, which will be held on Thursday, November 16th at 7pm, we will hold an election for this position. We have one candidate, Melissa Procanik, who is hopeful in filling this role. Below is her bio for your review...
Melissa Procanik is an SFX Parish member, mother of three, and has all three children currently enrolled at St. Francis Xavier School, Max (6th grade), Madison (4th Grade) and Mason (Kindergarten).
Melissa has been actively involved in the SFX Community as the Courtesy PTO Committee Chair for the past school year. Prior to that she held the position of Co-Hospitality Chair, as well as Co-Chairing the Dinner Auction last year. She will again Co-Chair the Dinner Auction this year. She likes to help wherever needed and has served as Room Parent over the last several years.
She is happy to be considered to serve the SFX community as PTO Secretary. She looks forward to helping the PTO continue to support our amazing school.

Enchantment Raffle.25 Oct 2017

Please refer to for SFX School website for October's PTO meeting minutes. Thank you.

Chess Nuts



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