Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Lancer 11-1-17


Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and important information.

There is NO School Friday, November 3rd for
Professional Development Day

reminder-clipart-cliparti1 reminder-clip-art 03
Jog-A-Thon Money and Forms are due tomorrow, Nov. 2.
Thank you.

Join the FUN this Saturday, Nov. 4th for our 8th Annual Night at the Races' Drinks, Horse Race Betting, Food, and Prizes..even prizes for the losers! Don't miss out on this exciting evening. There's even Free Babysitting! Earn PSA Hours!!
You can still sign up to donate or work at

The PSA hours for the Olde Tyme Country Faire have been posted to your Service Hours Report accounts. Please take a moment to review the hours credited to ensure they match. As a reminder, your mandatory hours were deducted from your shifts as follows:
1 child = 2 mandatory shifts
2 children = 4 mandatory shifts
3+ children = 5 mandatory shifts
Hours were posted in excess of the above based on 1 shift = 3.5 hours.
Please email Chaza Chikh or Michelle Funaro with any questions.

Student Council October Thank Yous
Thank you to everyone who participated in Student Council’s October activities. Denim Day at the beginning of October raised $665 which was donated to The American Cancer Society. Our Red Ribbon Week Bake Sale raised $145 which will go towards sending students to Leadership Camp next summer. Thank you for your generosity! Also, thank you to all who took part in our Red Ribbon Week dress days and our Halloween Parade. Everyone looked fantastic!

Congratulations to all the Halloween Story
Contest Winners!

TK winners

Rieria winner

Halloween Story Contest Winners Page 6

Halloween Story Contest Winners Page 7

Halloween Story Contest Winners Page 8

Halloween Story Contest Winners Page 9

2017 Halloween Candy for

On Thursday November 9, 2017 at 2:00 P.M. St. Francis Xavier School will hold the Annual Disaster Drill. The drill helps the school community prepare for a 72-hour evacuation and safe zone in the event of a major catastrophe. On this day the school community practices the pick-up routine in the event of such a major occurrence. (This drill will be rescheduled in case of rain!)
What follows are directions for parents to pick up the children on Disaster Drill Day. Please allow me to say up front, please be patient and calm as we go through the motions of the drill.
Please arrive to pick up your child/children between 2:00 and 2:45 P.M. At the close of this announcement we have suggested time windows for grade-level pick-up but we will release students on a first-come, first served basis.
Please DO NOT park on school grounds. The lots will be closed and only opened for emergency vehicles during an actual disaster. Gates will remain closed, and the west driveway will be manned by a staff member to ensure that you park on the neighborhood streets.
Please park on Scott Road or an adjacent street. Please be mindful to not block any resident’s driveway. Do not double park or park in any designated red zones.
Report to the west driveway where the staff member is located. Walk up the driveway and find a place in line. The line will lead to the upper parking lot where more staff will be on duty to operate the rolling gates. This is the sign-out area. While you will not sign-out your child during this drill, we will have you do so in the event of a real emergency.
Once you arrive at the rolling gates, your child/children will be summoned and released to you. Please DO NOT loiter but instead leave immediately. This will allow the drill to run quickly and smoothly. Your quick departure will also free up parking spaces in the neighborhood.
DISCLAIMER: In the event of an actual disaster, no child will be released until picked up by a parent or another designated adult.
For families who are absolutely unable to participate, we will hold the child/children throughout the drill and release them to After School Care at the end. You may pick-up your child/children in After School Care as usual.
If you are picking up additional children besides your own, please inform the staff members at the sign-out gate. We will call all the children in your party for release at that time.
During an actual disaster we are equipped to hold and care for the children up to 72 hours. All of the faculty and staff are certified in basic First-Aid and have received many hours of training over the years.
We are the beneficiaries of many concerned and caring administrators, teachers, staff and families that have gone before us to ensure that the school is prepared to help the children during a disaster. We are grateful to the past and present PTO Boards for their assistance in making disaster preparedness a priority at St. Francis Xavier School.
I thank you in advance for reading and absorbing all of the aforementioned details. I also thank you in advance for your cooperation. Foremost among all the details, remain calm, patient, accommodating and everything will run smoothly.
If you have any questions about the Disaster Readiness Drill scheduled for Thursday November 9th, please contact me at your convenience.
Paul Sullivan, Ed.D.
Principal, St. Francis Xavier School
Suggested Pick Up Times:
Grades TK, K & 1- 2:00 pm
Grades 2&3 2:15pm
Grades 4&5 2:30 pm
Grades 6-8 2:45pm


Last Saturday, Holy Cross Hall was filled with so many scary ghouls, princesses, warriors and cute characters at our SFX Halloween Party! The music filled the air as parents and kids all danced their hearts out! Trunk-Or-Treat participants decked out their cars in an awesome display, and trunk-or-treaters collected as many goodies as they could. Meanwhile, the Dodger game played in the background as many of the Dodger fans cheered on our LA team! What a fantastic night it was to kick-off our Holiday season!
Thank you so much to our Family Activities Chair, Jason Murtha, our Tech Guy, Chris Nappi, our Trunk-Or-Treat Chair, Christine Rodriguez, all of our volunteers and everyone who donated to this awesome event!
Thank you to all who participated in the Trunk-Or-Treat event! They were all so awesome! Congratulations to our winners!
Best Overall
Dia De Los Muertos 2nd Grade
Christine & Ron Rodriguez, Jane Hur & Liezlie Peete
Haunted Honda TK
Phil & Silvia Tucker
Cutest TK
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Liza Contreras & Bianca Bronk
Most Creative 1st Grade
Star Wars
Carol Parszik & Angie Resendez



Sunday, November 5th is Daylight Savings Time. Don't forget to set your clocks BACK 1 hour.

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