Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and important information. |
Family Envelopes are not being sent home this week.
We would like to congratulate St. Francis Xavier student Emma Clegg, for being chosen to sing as a finalist in the upcoming charity singing contest, Burbank Singing Star! You can watch Emma and the other finalists perform at 3:30 PM on Sunday, April 22, 2018. Congratulations Emma and we wish you good luck at Burbank Singing Star!
About Burbank Singing Star:
Burbank Singing Star is produced by the Kiwanis Club of Burbank in conjunction with The Music Junction, and proceeds benefit students in music programs. Tickets and more details can be found at
Raffle ticket sales begin on Monday, April 16
Tickets are .25 cents each or 6 for $1.00. Tickets will be sold Monday-Friday at recess, in the upstairs breezeway. Please have your child write his/her first name, last name initial, and grade (Janet W. K) on ALL tickets. Please remind your child to print neatly.
The number of lucky prize winners depends on you dear parents and your generosity. The more prizes you donate, the more winners we will have!
All prize donations will earn you PSA HOURS! Each $25/value earns you one hour. Please consider this opportunity to earn a few hours.
We need prizes for children 5-14 years old.
Prize suggestions: sports equipment, gift cards, toys, event tickets, Disneyland tickets, Universal tickets, iPods, iPads, electronic items, etc.
Prizes/donations can be dropped off to Mr. Magallon in the PE Office or to Mrs. Janet Ward in Kindergarten. Please include your name and the value of your donation with all items in order to receive your PSA HOURS credit.
We thank you for your support and generosity!!!
Questions??? Please contact Janet Ward
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