Thursday, April 26, 2018

Lancer 4/24/18


Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and important information.


principals message
Dear Families and Friends of St. Francis Xavier School,
I hope this message finds you well and enjoying the spring weather. I am happy to share a few things with you this week.
We have dates for the 2018-19 school year! We will begin school on Monday August 20, 2018 and adjourn for summer on Thursday June 6, 2019. We break for Thanksgiving following the prayer service on Tuesday November 20, 2018. We break for Christmas vacation following the morning Christmas Show on December 19, 2018 and return to school on Monday January 7, 2019. Finally, we adjourn for Easter and spring break Thursday April 18, 2019 following the Holy Thursday Prayer Service and return to school on Monday April 29, 2019. I hope this information helps you plan for your summer vacation and future travel days!
I need to correct myself regarding dates for the upcoming Science Week. The presentations will be held on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, May 7-9 in Holy Cross Hall.
Don’t forget to RSVP for the annual Parent Appreciation Night, held on Tuesday May 8 at 6:30 PM in Holy Cross Hall. The event is always a lot of fun to get together and celebrate another year of community service to our school. Thank you so much dear parents for your support throughout the fundraising year. Your involvement, service and commitment to St. Francis Xavier School is truly appreciated. Please make every effort to come and enjoy a nice meal and visit with friends. Child care will be made available for you that evening through the school’s After School Care program.
And speaking of appreciation, we are set to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week beginning Monday May 7 and culminating Friday May 11. This annual weekly event is the time of year we express our gratitude to the faculty and staff of our school. The PTO Board has reminded me to be sure to include the parent community to participate in the week’s festivities. If you would like to honor or thank your child’s teachers and assistants, please feel free to do so the week of May 7. The faculty and staff would be most appreciative. Parents and students can send small gifts of appreciation as they would like. In the past the faculty and staff have received gift cards, notes of appreciation and other goodies to show love and support for the personnel of the school. We thank you in advance for your support.
Please mark your calendars for Tuesday May 15 for a one-hour meeting in Holy Cross Hall to introduce the Rosetta Stone foreign language program. The meeting is set for 6:00 PM and will culminate by 7:00 PM. Our sales representative, Mrs. Lee Anne Sheridan will be on hand to provide an overview of the program and help answer questions you might have. I look forward to seeing you in attendance.
May God’s blessings be upon each one of us! Special prayers of support to community members facing illness and other major challenges. May the Lord’s healing grace be upon all of you.
Paul Sullivan, Ed.D.
Principal, SFX School

Raffle ticket sales begin on Monday, April 16
Tickets are .25 cents each or 6 for $1.00.
Tickets will be sold Monday-Friday at recess, in the upstairs breezeway.
Please have your child write his/her first name, last name initial, and grade (Janet W. K) on ALL tickets. Please remind your child to print neatly.
The number of lucky prize winners depends on you dear parents and your generosity. The more prizes you donate, the more winners we will have!
All prize donations will earn you PSA HOURS! Each $25/value earns you one hour. Please consider this opportunity to earn a few hours.
We need prizes for children 5-14 years old.
Prize suggestions: sports equipment, gift cards, toys, event tickets, Disneyland tickets, Universal tickets, iPods, iPads, electronic items, etc.
Prizes/donations can be dropped off to Mr. Magallon in the PE Office or to Mrs. Janet Ward in Kindergarten. Please include your name and the value of your donation with all items in order to receive your PSA HOURS credit.
We thank you for your support and generosity!!!
Questions??? Please contact Janet Ward

Success Tutoring 2018 Summer Flyer 00000002

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