Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Lancer 5-30-18


Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and important information.

Attention After School Care Parents:
There will be no after school care on Thursday, June 7th,
our last day of school. Have a wonderful summer!

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Alumni School Visits
What a lovely treat it is when alumni students come back to visit their teachers and younger classmen. This speaks volumes to the warmth, vitality, and love they feel for St. Francis Xavier School. We certainly love hearing about their new adventures!
We want to remind Alumni Students that school will be in session when you visit. We are asking you to know that you are always welcomed. All codes of behavior and dress for St. Francis Xavier School would apply when visiting. Please do not use your cell phones while in the classroom. Please be sure that you are dressed appropriately.
If you are seeking service hours, please call the school office to do so, or contact the teacher directly for an appointment. You must get an approval from the teacher you are visiting before coming. Please check in both with the Parish Office and the School Office before entering the classrooms.
Thank you! We appreciate your consideration of our rules.

Room Moms 2018-19

talent show flyer 2018 PDF Page 1


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