Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Lancer 5-9-18


Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and important information.

Fr Sebastian
God has always taken great care of St. Francis Xavier Parish. His care and love for us continues in the form of some much needed relief for our Fr. Benny. As most of you know, for the past two years Fr. Benny has been nearly superhuman as our sole priest and administrator.
We are happy to announce that God has led Fr. Sebastian Vettickal to St. Francis Xavier. Fr. Sebastian, both knows us and wants us. Since the first time he presided at Mass here in 2002, he’s been back on numerous occasions. He’s presided at Masses, assisted with Confessions, and he has even led a retreat here. Through his charismatic personality, we have thoroughly enjoyed his stories during his homilies.

Fr. Sebastian, a Carmelite priest was born on December 22, 1962. After graduating from high school, he joined the religious order of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI). He was ordained on December 31, 1991. Fr. Sebastian arrived in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in 2000. He served two years at Sacred Heart Church in Ventura, 11 years at St. Denis Church in Diamond Bar and currently serves as the Administrator at Holy Trinity Church in San Pedro.
The best part is that as Fr. Sebastian begins his new assignment at St. Francis Xavier Parish on July 1, as our Administrator, our Fr. Benny will still be our Fr. Benny. He is staying with us! We welcome Fr. Sebastian and ask that you keep him and Fr. Benny in your prayers.

We need your help and support. PLEASE DONATE A PRIZE TO OUR PRIZE RAFFLE. There is only one week until the big event!
Please drop your prizes off in the PE Office or Kindergarten classroom.

St. Francis Xavier
Student Council Proudly Presents Spirit Week – 2018
Monday, May 14th: * Meme/Emoji Day – Dress as your favorite meme or emoji - Remember to keep your outfit appropriate for school
Tuesday, May 15th: * Red, White, and Blue Shirt Day with school bottoms
*2:00 P.M. Student Council Election Speeches, HCH
Wednesday, May 16th: *P.E. BBQ Day
*Jersey Day with Cap/Jeans
*2:00 P.M. PE BBQ Raffle & Assembly
Thursday, May 17th: 90s Day – Dress in your favorite 90s clothes
Student Council Voting Day
*2:00 P.M. CYO Sports Awards Assembly
Friday, May 18th: Spirit Clothes Day, Family Day Competition
* Popsicles from pre-order sale available at recess

Popsicle Sale Flyer

raffle ticket
Raffle ticket sales begin on Monday, April 16
Tickets are .25 cents each or 6 for $1.00.
Tickets will be sold Monday-Friday at recess, in the upstairs breezeway.
Please have your child write his/her first name, last name initial, and grade (Janet W. K) on ALL tickets. Please remind your child to print neatly.
The number of lucky prize winners depends on you dear parents and your generosity. The more prizes you donate, the more winners we will have!
All prize donations will earn you PSA HOURS! Each $25/value earns you one hour. Please consider this opportunity to earn a few hours.
We need prizes for children 5-14 years old.
Prize suggestions: sports equipment, gift cards, toys, event tickets, Disneyland tickets, Universal tickets, iPods, iPads, electronic items, etc.
Prizes/donations can be dropped off to Mr. Magallon in the PE Office or to Mrs. Janet Ward in Kindergarten. Please include your name and the value of your donation with all items in order to receive your PSA HOURS credit.
We thank you for your support and generosity!!!
Questions??? Please contact Janet Ward

Here’s a Simple Way to Get Your Hours for the Year!
The PTO is currently looking for someone to fill the position of Uniform Exchange Chair. As Uniform Exchange Chair, you will collect any gently used Uniforms from parents or from the school office, display them at our SFX events such as the New Parent Orientation Meetings, Back to School Night, PTO General Meetings and anytime you think you might have the opportunity to let parents browse your collection.
One or two people can be a chair for this position. Guaranteed 40 hours for the year and no PTO Board Meetings required attending.
If you are interested, please email Christina Sanchez, PTO President at
Thank you!!


Crown Uniform

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