Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Lancer 3-23-17

Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and information.


Volunteers Needed for Bowlapalooza

The Fourth Annual St. Francis Xavier Bowlapalooza is Friday March 31, 2017 at Pickwick Bowl. This event is for the whole family to attend. Look for the flyer to make your reservation. Reservation forms are due back March 16.
We also need volunteer help that night as well as donations. If you can volunteer or donate a gift to our raffle please sign up in Signupgenius. All donation can be delivered to Rita Recker in the Parish Office.

Congratulations SFX 8th Graders!

More High School Acceptance Letters have Arrived!
Providence Awards:
Gemma Lafontant – awarded a $2500 Annual Merit Award Scholarship, plus accepted into the Cinema Arts Focus Program
Bella Moncrief – awarded with a $5000 Annual Merit Award Scholarship

new bin

New Storage Bin

Thank you Parents,
Alberto and the teachers would like to thank the parents that through fundraising, the PTO Board was able to pay for our lovely new storage bin. It arrived yesterday. This bin is designated for desks and furniture storage. Our very creative teachers with all of their very interesting seating and classroom ideas now have a place to put desks... to make room for new innovative classroom equipment and seating.
Thank you for making this happen.

PE BBQ & Prize Raffle

PE BBQ & PRIZE RAFFLE - Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Raffle tickets go on sale on Monday, March 20!
Tickets can be purchased Monday - Thursday at recess, outside the PE office. Tickets are .25 cents each or 6 for $1.00
Please print your name and grade on ALL tickets and return them to Mr. Orlando to be put in the tumbler.
Good luck!
Please help us make many children very happy by donating an item or two to the PRIZE RAFFLE.
Prizes for children of all ages are needed. Games, toys, posters, gift cards, sports equipment, electronics, and event tickets are just a few examples of the items we're looking for.
PSA HOURS WILL BE GIVEN FOR ALL DONATIONS. You will receive 1 hour for every $25 in value.
We are happy to accept your generous donations beginning Monday, March 20. Please drop your items off to Mr. Orlando in the PE Office or to Mrs. Ward in the Kindergarten classroom.
Many thanks for your support and generosity!
Janet Ward


BASEBALL OPENING DAY - Monday, April 3, 2017

In celebration of Dr. Sullivan's favorite day of the year he is allowing us all to wear our favorite baseball shirt/jersey and baseball cap with blue jeans, to school on Monday, April 3, 2017.

Attention Every St. Francis Xavier Student

You are invited to sing the opening and closing songs at this weekend’s 10:30 Mass. This is a great way to get involved at church and share one of your many talents. All students have been practicing with Mrs. Raymundo during music class. Please arrive a little early to Mass and see Mrs. Cranston in the choir area. After the first song students will sit with their family. Mrs. Cranston will then call them up to sing the last song.
Please try to come. We are really excited to start this new tradition.

A valuable item has been turned into the school office.

If you have lost something, please see Mrs. Konzen with a full description.
Thank you!
uniform exchange

Uniform Exchange is up for Grabs!

Do you need PSA hours? Mrs. Canzona is passing this wonderful program on for another person to run. If you are interested, please contact Paula Canzona at or Nancy Willard at


Earn PSA hours and then go to mass!!!!

Include your whole family in your PSA service time!
If these sound good consider joining us for Sunday hospitality.
PSA Service times are :
8-8:30 , go into mass ,9:30-10
10:00-10:30, go into mass, 11:30-12
( most need later mass)
For more information contact:
JoDee Geryak
Minister of Hospitality Coordinator

Summer Enrichment Registration Time is HERE!

2017 Summer Enrichment Entering K NEW
2017 Summer Enrichment 1 2 3 NEW
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