Friday, August 18, 2017

Lancer 8/10/17


The Fifth in our series of "Let me Introduce to You"


Introducing our new 7th Grade Teacher - Miss Jennifer Durghalli

Jennifer Durghalli is starting her third year at St. Francis Xavier. Previously she taught middle school math, and this year she is taking on the 7th grade homeroom position. “I'm currently diving into the science curriculum so I'm hoping to put together some fun lessons for the students,” she says. The 7th grade science fair will still be in effect, and she will also be continuing with the math program, incorporating some new ideas this year. “Along with learning brand new concepts I want to keep the old ones fresh in the students' minds. We'll be doing weekly quizzes on just the basics to help the students retain everything they have learned and will continue to learn. I also want to incorporate more self-directed and reflective learning for the students. This will help them prepare for independent learning once they reach the high school level. I look forward to a successful year,” says Miss Durghalli. See you all in August!


Virtus Training.

On September 10th, at SFX, there will be a
Protecting God’s Children Virtus Training Class from 6pm-9pm. All parents are required to take this class in order to participate in on campus school activities and to go on field trips. Please save the date if you have not taken this class.
Please go to the following link to sign up:
SFX Religious Ed Website

Back to School Picnic
September 1st at 6 pm
Join us on campus, Lets start the school year off right!

We will no longer be selling Scrip cards. We will be having a sale soon on what is left. More info to follow.

Before and Aftercare Banner by

ASC Registration

If you would like to register for Before or After School Care now you can do so by clicking on the link below and mailing the form back to

SFX - Sewing

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