Friday, August 18, 2017

Lancer 8/17/17

Morning Care will begin Tuesday, August 29th at 6:30 A.M. in the upper school building. Mrs. Konzen will be there to welcome your children to morning care.
After School Care will begin Monday, August 28th at noon. (make sure to send a lunch for the first week of school) in the bungalow. You can meet Mrs. Partida on Monday, August 28th at 7:30 A.M. in the bungalow.

The Sixth in our series of "Let me Introduce to You"


Introducing our new 1st Grade Teacher - Ms. Potini Yi

Ms. Yi joins St. Francis Xavier School as our new 1st grade teacher! Born in South Korea, Ms. Yi moved to the United States when she was six years old. She earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Child and Adolescent Development from CSUN, and a Master of Arts Degree in Elementary Education from Loyola Marymount University. Ms. Yi likes the color pink, ballet and trying new cultural foods. She looks forward to meeting her new students and their families, and hopes to get parents involved in the classroom as mystery readers, dressing up as characters from books. “First grade is an exciting time and I hope to instill enthusiasm into the students’ learning experiences to be life-long learners,” she says. Welcome to St. Francis, Ms. Yi!

Help needed in the computer lab!

This is a great way to earn PSA hours and interact with our youngest students.
Help needed Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 2 P.M.
Please email for more information


Virtus Training.

On September 10th, at SFX, there will be a
Protecting God’s Children Virtus Training Class from 6pm-9pm. All parents are required to take this class in order to participate in on campus school activities and to go on field trips.
Please go to the following link to sign up:
SFX Religious Ed Website


Back to School Picnic

September 1st
at 6 pm
Join us on campus, Lets start the school year off right!

Before and Aftercare Banner by

ASC Registration

If you would like to register for Before or After School Care now you can do so by clicking on the link below and mailing the form back to

SFX - Sewing

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