Thursday, October 19, 2017

Lancer 10-11-17


Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and important information.

principals message
October 11, 2017
Dear Families and Friends of St. Francis Xavier School,
I hope this message finds you well. The school year is off to a great beginning, and we are already half-way through the first trimester of school. The teachers are planning and teaching to the best of their abilities, the students are learning daily and ensconced in solid work routines to help them grow in body, mind and spirit!
Behaviorally, the children are doing well. We have had a few issues needing immediate accountability through detention, but I believe them to be typical, developmental issues that are easily corrected. The junior high students have recently signed Behavior Acknowledgement Memos of Understanding. The MOU makes them aware of the behavioral issues that will affect behavior grades if they do not address poor choices. The students are completely aware of the norms of behavior expected within their classes and may check in with their teachers about the behavior grade to make necessary improvements. After all, for the junior high students, it’s all about making honors at a reporting period. They are aware that they need the best report cards and track records to impress potential Catholic high school admissions departments. Moreover, the behavior grade in school helps them understand accountability and how to be a person of character.
This weekend we celebrate once again the St. Francis Xavier School Jog-A-Thon. I am thrilled to see our students take the leadership role in acquiring the needed pledge support to help the Parent/Teacher Organization meet the $55K threshold to the school’s operating budget. This fundraiser more than any other helps our students understand service to their school. While we focus a lot of attention on the prizes associated with JAT, let’s not forget that the real reason for this fundraiser is to encourage the children to support the financial objectives of the school and to learn about service to the greater good. Thank you parents for your support! We understand that a lot of the pledges come from your household income in addition to paying tuition and fees! But let’s not lose focus on the idea that JAT is all about the children supporting their dear school! I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday!
Mistakes! I’ve made a few! Okay, a lot! And I’m destined to make more! We’re only human after all! My friends let’s remember to offset initial misgivings and anger over matters around school with the gift of time. My office is always available to listen to you, a student, or a colleague about all matters associated with St. Francis Xavier. Schools at our level rely heavily on volunteer coaches and fundraising chairpersons. If and when a problem occurs and anger is the result, please take a 24 hour cooling-off period. In this manner, the immediate emotion of anger will not necessarily dictate the reconciliation efforts to make things better. We have had some unfortunate instances of anger dictating conversations with both staff and volunteers. I get it that we at school may make a mistake that causes a lot of consternation, but we cannot allow ourselves to devolve in hostile behavior. I know for a firm fact that we are all on the same team. But we must be honorable about resolving conflicts or perceived issues that stoke an angry response. So let’s use the 24 hour cooling off period to help us resolve problems.
Included in last week’s family envelope was information from the City of Burbank Animal Control. The recent mountain lion attack of a neighbor’s dog was verified through mountain lion DNA. I recall the dog in question. It resided in one of the houses that shares the property line with the long driveway on the west side of campus. It was a Weimaraner, if I’m not mistaken, which happens to be a big, athletic dog! I hope you had a chance to review the literature. The main point is to be aware of early morning arrivals and late pick-ups around school, particularly as we approach daylight savings time. It is not uncommon to see wildlife around campus. Please be aware of the children at the aforementioned times of the day. We want to ensure everyone’s safety. As we may already be aware, one coyote is typically not a problem, but a pack becomes emboldened. A Gopher or Garter Snake can be repatriated to the hillside, but if that snake rattles, report it to us immediately. Bobcats are skittish and don’t like to be seen, but a mountain lion is a predator and will stalk what it perceives to be a meal source! Take caution and look around campus for signs of wild life!
Included in this week’s family envelope is information about the upcoming California Shakeout on Thursday October 19. We take precautions at school to ensure the disciplined evacuation routines in the event of a real emergency. Please take a moment to review the enclosed literature. Are you ready at home for an extreme earthquake event? Now is the time to review your safety plan and resources. It’s never too early to be prepared. Let us never forget that mother Earth continues to cool from its earliest origins! That is one, awesome factoid!
My fellow duffers, please ensure your participation in the annual St. Francis Xavier School Golf Classic! Need a sign-up brochure? Feel free to email me or Mrs. Konzen and we’ll send one home with your child. You can still sign up for hole-sponsorships as well as provide donations for the raffle. Hours for raffle prizes are awarded by $25 increments for donations. We thank you in advance for your participation and help!
I hope you enjoy the family atmosphere at this weekend’s annual Jog-A-Thon. Thank you to our chairpersons Erin Barrows and Kris Smith, to Janet Ward and Nancy Willard for their in-house support, to you dear parents for your efforts and to our dear students who fill the track with their contagious enthusiasm! God bless you for a great weekend!
Paul Sullivan, Ed.D.
St. Francis School, Principal

Attached is a required form for Volunteering with minors. This form is required just like Virtus training and fingerprinting. This form is due immediately if you have not already done so.


Please refer to for SFX School website for September's PTO meeting minutes. Thank you.


2017-05 BTFEProducts List 002
Box Tops for Education
This is a super easy way to earn cash for St. Francis Xavier School. General Mills wanted to create a program to help support education and benefit America’s schools – and so, Box Tops for Education was born. Box Top Coupons are available on many products you know and love. Please see the list included in our newsletter.

Our next collection date is Friday, October 13, 2017. Please send in all of your coupons no later than this date.
Thank you for making such an easy money maker a huge success!

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Cheer Pizza

8th Annual A Night at the Races' on November 4th!!
Buy your horses now at:
You can also sign up to donate or work at

St. Francis Xavier Families,
The 9th Annual SFX Golf Classic Tournament will take place on Friday, October 20th at the DeBell Golf Club. Mark your calendars, save the date and put in for the day off!
Our Annual Golf Classic fundraiser is a great opportunity to gather together for a fun day on the golf course and raise money at the same time. When has fundraising ever been easier or more enjoyable!
The Golf Classic Committee is seeking support from our parents, parishioners, faculty and staff, Alumni and friends of St. Francis Xavier. There are several opportunities in which to participate and offer your support.
You may choose to, Play in the Tournament, Sponsor a hole, Donate a raffle prize or DO EVERYTHING!!!
However you choose to participate, we are grateful for your support. Our goal is to host 144 players this year and all are welcome. Foursomes, Threesomes, Doubles, or Singles of any skill level. Grab your friends, co-workers or neighbors to play.
Please know that this is a great way to earn PSA Hours. PSA Hours will be earned for playing, sponsoring a hole, and for donations.
Thank you in advance for your support to the SFX Golf Classic
Scott Scozzola – SFX Golf Classic Chair (818) 612-4685

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