Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Lancer 10/4/17

thank you
A Heartfelt Thank you!
Members of the Burbank Temporary Aid Center were most appreciative of the generous donations made through C.J.S.F.’s Food Drive. Their smiles on Friday would have warmed your heart! Thank you for making this food collection a success and helping to feed the less fortunate within our community.
C.J.S.F. Members

Lee denim Day - w border

Book Fair Volunteer letter

High School Night 2 002

principals message
Dear Families and Friends of St. Francis Xavier School,
I hope and trust this message finds you well. Once again our nation finds itself grappling with unimaginable horror in the wake of the carnage in Las Vegas last Sunday night. By all accounts the students of our school appear fine and sound. For our youngest students life moves from moment to moment and they are blissfully unaware of the circumstances surrounding the episode. For the older children some have expressed their shock about what they have learned about the incident. I wish I could explain that Wednesday’s Lock-Down drill is a simple formality, but given the dynamics of wonton gun violence across America these types of drills are imperative to rehearse and understand.
If anything were to affect the daily operation of school in any violent way, all of the classrooms and parish offices are notified by the code, “Mother Cabrini.” When teachers and students hear the code, the school goes into immediate lock down. Doors are closed and locked. Window blinds are drawn and classroom door windows are covered. The students and teachers take cover on the floors of the classrooms. After two minutes have passed in the drill, an alert of “Stand-by” is given and the students and teachers may return to their seats. Finally, an “All Clear” message is sent to return to normal operations. I know our community’s hopes and prayers are that we will never have to utilize this drill in a real event of intrusion, but we practice “Lock Down Drill” to ensure the safety of all of us at school.
On a lighter note, Wednesday is also the annual Blessing of the Animals. The students love this celebration, as they get to observe the variety of pets that are brought to Fr. Benny for a blessing. Of course many students join their family members and pets in the blessing line! It’s always a lot of fun to observe our pets receiving the blessing of holy water! We look forward to seeing you at the ceremony.
The faculty, staff and student body recently kicked off another year of “Character Counts!” We gathered in Holy Cross Hall to observe students and teachers perform skits to demonstrate the six pillars of character, which include Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship. Following each skit, I called upon our youngest students to tell the entire student body what they observed! They were spot on with their answers. I made the point to the older children that if our TK and kindergarten students can understand these concepts clearly, then so can the rest of us! Out of the mouths of babes! And it’s true! Everything we need to know in this life we learn in kindergarten! Special shout out to second and third grades for their hilarious skit! This month of October we are all working on the pillar of Trustworthiness!
For the record, the most recent version of the Parent/Student Handbook is on-line. There are probably various, earlier iterations of the document in hard-copy floating around the community. But please know that we are guided by the current, on-line version on the school’s website. Dress code issues are assessed by the teachers and staff daily. We have recently re-designed the school’s notice to families to correct any dress code issues, from uniform to hair style. If and when you receive a notice asking you to correct an issue for your child, please know we are trying to be consistent to enforce the SFX student dress code. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
The Girls A Volleyball team is currently 2-3 after a very tough loss at De Sales on Tuesday. The girls played well, rallying from a 1-0 deficit early to force a decisive game three, but came up short 17-15 in the final game. The girls play at St. Finbar on Thursday 10/5 at 3:45 PM! Go Lancers! We host two Girls B volleyball matches Wednesday and Thursday on the SFX Sport Court! Both matches begin at 3:45 PM. Come on out to cheer the girls! Go Lancers! Boys B Football has their first game this Saturday at 1:00 PM at Brace Canyon Park! Go Lancers!
The SFX Junior High Mock Trial program is officially underway. The team attorneys meet Thursday 10/4 at 7:15 AM to review the details of a murder case! I look forward to the weeks ahead to observe our students’ critical thinking and case development.
The Junior High Academic Decathlon Team is taking shape. There are 10 applicants and the team will receive its individual assignments soon. It won’t be long until the team gathers twice weekly to begin studying logic and super quiz questions!
For junior high families, don’t forget that we host the annual High School Night on Wednesday October 11 from 7:00-8:30 PM in Holy Cross Hall. Our school community will be joined by the communities of St. Robert Bellarmine and St. Finbar. We will host once again 14 high school admission’s teams to present valuable information about our local Catholic high schools. I hope to see you there.
This past Saturday, Mr. Patrick Flynn was laid to rest. We hold dearly Patrick’s memory at SFX, and transition to assist the Flynn family in every way possible. Our thoughts and prayers are with Mrs. Flynn and the children. We also hold closely in our thoughts and prayers all those who are challenged with their health. We ask the power of the Holy Spirit to provide healing comfort and strength during these most difficult times.
God bless you dear parents. Thank you for making St. Francis Xavier School and Parish a priority for your family. As members of the people of God we embark daily in response to his will in our lives. Let us remain open to this call and be ready to help others in need.
Paul Sullivan, Ed.D.
St. Francis Xavier School

2017-05 BTFEProducts List 002
Box Tops for Education
This is a super easy way to earn cash for St. Francis Xavier School. General Mills wanted to create a program to help support education and benefit America’s schools – and so, Box Tops for Education was born. Box Top Coupons are available on many products you know and love. Please see the list included in our newsletter.

Our next collection date is Friday, October 15, 2017. Please send in all of your coupons no later than this date.
Thank you for making such an easy money maker a huge success!

8th Annual A Night at the Races' on November 4th!!
Buy your horses now at:
You can also sign up to donate or work at

St. Francis Xavier Families,
The 9th Annual SFX Golf Classic Tournament will take place on Friday, October 20th at the DeBell Golf Club. Mark your calendars, save the date and put in for the day off!
Our Annual Golf Classic fundraiser is a great opportunity to gather together for a fun day on the golf course and raise money at the same time. When has fundraising ever been easier or more enjoyable!
The Golf Classic Committee is seeking support from our parents, parishioners, faculty and staff, Alumni and friends of St. Francis Xavier. There are several opportunities in which to participate and offer your support.
You may choose to, Play in the Tournament, Sponsor a hole, Donate a raffle prize or DO EVERYTHING!!!
However you choose to participate, we are grateful for your support. Our goal is to host 144 players this year and all are welcome. Foursomes, Threesomes, Doubles, or Singles of any skill level. Grab your friends, co-workers or neighbors to play.
Please know that this is a great way to earn PSA Hours. PSA Hours will be earned for playing, sponsoring a hole, and for donations.
Thank you in advance for your support to the SFX Golf Classic
Scott Scozzola – SFX Golf Classic Chair (818) 612-4685

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