Thursday, January 12, 2017

Lancer 1-12-17

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Dear Parents and Friends:
A happy and blessed New Year to all of you
and fond wishes that your Christmas was peaceful, and joy-filled!
The Christmas Show opened the week before Christmas with wondrous little voices singing carols warming our hearts. What a treasure and inspiration our students are to us!
We also extend our many thanks to all of the Parents who delivered baskets of goodies to the Faculty Room. We all enjoyed mini-feasts of new tastes and scents. Each basket was delicious and appreciated to the end. Thank you for your gracious hospitality to
all of us.
We are now looking forward to the new year and all of the marvelous opportunities and wonderful possibilities to be revealed to us! This new beginning is the perfect occasion to thank you for the treasured gift of your children and for the great love you so abundantly share with us every day.
May 2017 be a grace-filled year for our St. Francis Xavier School families; may it continue to bring us together as one family; and may it foster in each of us ways to enable our children to grow and mature in their potential as children of God.
With joyous anticipation for a New Year filled with wonderful possibilities,
The Faculty and Staff of St. Francis Xavier School
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Parent Teacher Conferences

Dear Parents and Guardians,
The month of January marks the midway point of the second trimester of school, which means it’s time for Parent/Teacher Conferences. The following three days – January 18th, 19th, and 20th – have been reserved for mandatory TK-8 Parent-Teacher conferences.
At the conferences you will be able to discuss your child’s educational development and STAR Benchmark results from the first two testing sessions.
We ask that you not only take the time to discuss grades and STAR results with your child, but to also prepare some questions you would like to have answered (and some statements to share) in preparation of your scheduled conference with the homeroom teacher.
You may want to ask the teacher:
• Does my child participate in classroom activities?
• Does my child show self-control in school?
• Does my child get along with others?
• Can my child handle the learning materials of his/her grade?
• Is my child’s comprehension suitable to that of the grade level?
• Is his/her ability equal to daily classroom performance?
• How does my child read orally?
• Does he/she know the basic math facts appropriate to his/her grade level?
• Can my child express thoughts and ideas clearly?

• How is his/her written communication?
You may want to tell the teacher:
• School activities your child talks about at home.
• Responsibilities your child handles at home.

• Recent happenings at home that might affect your child’s performance.
• Some of your child’s favorite activities and accomplishments outside of school.
• How you discipline your child at home.
• Your child’s strengths and weaknesses.
In scheduling your conference, we have attempted to schedule “family” conferences so that you will not have to return over a period of days to conference with various teachers.
Each conference is scheduled for 15 MINUTES. We ask that you be punctual and aware of time constraints. Your child’s homeroom teacher is also on a tight schedule to meet with the parents of all students in his/her class. If you need more than the scheduled 15 minutes, please do not hesitate to arrange another conference date and time with the teacher to continue your discussion.
If you wish to meet with a Special Subject Teacher, Ms. Durghalli, Mrs. Jessup, Mr. Orlando, Mrs. Porras, or Mrs. Raymundo, please call the school office to make an appointment.
All teachers will be meeting with parents in their homerooms. Thank you for your co-operation.
Dr. Paul Sullivan,
coat drive

Student Council Sponsors Winter Clothing Drive

The St. Francis Xavier School Student Council is sponsoring a Winter Clothing Drive starting January 9, 2017 through January 20, 2017. We will collect any of your outgrown or reasonably worn, warm winter clothing during this time. All
of the collected clothing will be given to the St. CharlesService Center to subsidize their efforts in taking care ofthe needy people who call upon them for help. Please send in your donations to your classroom. We will deliver the collection to the St. Charles Service Center.
Many thanks for your help with this important drive.
Boots   Bling

Deadline has passed for $75 Donation! You will be charged if not delivered by tomorrow!

As you all know our annual SFX Dinner Auction is the most important fundraiser of the year and it takes the participation of all of our families to make it a success. In keeping with SFX family guidelines, every family is required to contribute $75 or a new Donation item or items valued at $75 or more. Some examples of Donations we are in desperate need of include: New Electronics, New Unused Housewares, Gift Cards, Gift Subscriptions, Gift Certificates (for Services such as Hairstyling, Make Up, Photography), Event Tickets, Sports Tickets, Sport & Entertainment Memorabilia. Family Donations are due no later than January 9. Families electing to donate $75 in lieu of a donation item will have it automatically added to their February 2017 tuition statement.
Please join us for the Feast of Ten Tables on January 22nd at 4 PM.
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