Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and information.
PSA Opportunity
Are you creative and/or need PSA hours? Mrs. Porras is looking for someone to re-do the bulletin boards in the library. If you are interested please contact her at
Giddy Up and Buy Your Tickets to the Boots & Bling Casino & Dinner Auction
Giddy Up and Buy Your Tickets to the Boots & Bling Casino & Dinner Auction
That's right folks...Git your tickets while they're hot!
There are 2 EASY ways to get yours...
Simply go online or fill out the ticket and RSVP card in this weeks student folder. You don't want to miss this years event! Be sure to check out our specialty VIP packages for extra Casino Money, Private Blackjack tables and more!!
That's right partner, tons of good old fashion fun to be had so don't miss out and buy your ticket today!
Student Council “Be Mine” Bake Sale
Student Council Members will be hosting
a Bake Sale on Tuesday, February 14th and Wednesday, February 15th, during recess. Some of the yummy items on sale will be cookies, rice krispie treats, brownies, and muffins! All proceeds will be set aside for Leadership Camp for our Elected Officers. Thank you for allowing your children to support this fundraiser! |
Open House and Entrance to St. Francis Xavier School
Come and explore the academics, special subjects, extracurricular activities, and enrichment at
St. Francis Xavier School. The Faculty and Staff are hosting an Open House on Sunday, February 5, 2017, at 11:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. On Saturday, February 4, 2017, Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten will host an Open House from 10:00A.M. to 11:30 A.M.
St. Francis Xavier School is currently accepting names to be placed on our waiting list of students interested in entering Transitional Kindergarten through Eighth Grade in August 2017. All families who wish to have their children considered for Fall entrance are asked to contact the school office between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. This includes families who have children currently enrolled at St. Francis Xavier School and would like younger or older siblings considered for admission.
In regard to Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Applicants: Due to the difference between ability and maturity levels and the corresponding relationship to school readiness, Kindergarten applicants must turn 5 years old by November 1st to be eligible to take the entrance screening. Transitional Kindergarten applicants must turn 4 years old by November 1st to be eligible for the entrance screening.
We look forward to meeting with you!
Student Council’s Catholic Schools Week Jean Day
Friday, February 3rd, Student Council
is sponsoring a Jean Day. You may wear jeans and any appropriate shirt or blouse as per the guidelines in the Student Handbook. We are asking for a $5.00 donation for this activity. The first $250.00 raised will be donated to Heifer International for livestock used to help alleviate hunger and poverty. The balance of the proceeds will benefit Student Council’s Leadership Camp Fund.
Thank you for participating!
Catholic Schools Week 2017: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service
Day 1: Monday January 30, 2017
Theme: Celebrating Community Service
Morning Prayer read by Religious Affairs Officers
We acknowledge the service opportunities in which we participate in our own school community for the sake of the broader community: BTAC Food Drives; Support of the Margaret Aylward Christmas Boutique; Christmas Basket Program; Pennies from Heaven; Holiday Cards for American Soldier Network.
School Colors Free-Dress Tops: Uniform pants, shorts, skirts, skorts or sweats with free dress blue and/or gold tops (not necessarily uniform shirts; student’s choice).
Students receive CSW buttons to wear.
Day 2: Tuesday January 31, 2017
Theme: Celebrating the Students of St. Francis Xavier School
Morning Prayer read by Religious Affairs Officers
Prior to this date, you’ll be in receipt of small, blank squares of paper for the students to decorate. Use one of the following captions, “ST. FRANCIS SCHOOL IS…” or “OUR SCHOOL IS A PLACE WHERE WE CAN…” or “AT ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, WE…” and then have the children write a word or phrase and draw a picture of their idea that completes the caption. Ideas to write and draw: books representing studies; a picture of one person helping another; a picture exemplifying service; a picture that represents faith, love, forgiveness, music, learning, prayer or academics. Feel free to get creative!
You’ll receive the square papers with an example art piece in your mailbox the week of 1/17/17. Please return to Mrs. Konzen your class’ completed artwork for display by Wednesday 1/25/17.
We’ll use the squares to adorn a bulletin board in the upper building.
STUDENT FAMILY DAY #4: 1:00-2:30 P.M.
Day 3: Wednesday February 1, 2017
Theme: Celebrating the Nation
Morning Prayer read by Religious Affairs Officers
Remind your class about Red Ribbon Week and the day Officer Castro came to school to speak to us about taking care of our bodies so that we can be contributing citizens of our city and nation.
Remind your class about Burbank City Council Vice-Mayor, Will Rogers and when came to school to speak to us at the Student Council Installation Prayer Service. He spoke about his own experience in Catholic school and how it inspired him to be of service to his city.
Knowledge Bowl Assembly: “Are you smarter than a St. Francis Xavier Student or Teacher?” Each class selects a class representative to participate on a panel against some of the school’s teachers. Dr. Sullivan will be the moderator. Questions will be taken from Brain Teasers.
(Please email me your preference to participate. If I don’t hear from you, you may be selected against your wishes! OOOOOOHHHH haahahahahaha!)
Knowledge Bowl Assembly: Gather for 10:35 A.M. sharp! We’ll finish by 11:15 P.M. Student participants take the stage as do the volunteer teachers. Let the games begin!
Student Prize for winning…and ONLY if they win: It’ll be a SAD day, or Student Appreciation Day: NO HOMEWORK, but at the teacher’s discretion, depending on where it works best on a Monday-Thursday. If the teachers win, they get to come back to work!
MASS: 2:00 P.M. in the church! Please no rain for this day!
Day 4: Thursday February 2, 2017
Theme: Celebrate Vocations
Morning Prayer read by Religious Affairs Officers
Discuss with the students the Saint of the Month Bulletin Board and the lives of the saints.
Look up the life of St. Therese of Lisieux, patroness of missionaries and of many vocations. Host a discussion about what you discover.
Discuss the idea of vocation as a life style, that no matter where one hangs their hat in life, it is more meaningful to approach work as a vocation.
Create cards of appreciation to Fr. Benny, Fr. Joe, other priests the children may know, Deacons Jim, Tony, and Jaime. Deliver the completed cards to Mrs. Konzen by Friday 2/3/17 for delivery to the parish.
We invite Fr. Benny and Fr. Joe to lunch in the faculty room to join the teachers for both lunch breaks.
Day 5: Friday February 3, 2017
Theme: Celebrating Faculty, Staff and Volunteers
Student Council Denim Day: Each student is considered a volunteer because they work hard to help others, such as donating $5 to wear denim free dress. Inform the children that the money collected by Student Council will benefit the Heifer Foundation, as well as the Student Council’s goal of sending members to Leadership Camp.
Encourage in the students random acts of kindness through words and actions toward faculty, staff and one another.
Flag Pole Assembly: We’ll gather at the flag pole following morning recess for a small rally to say thank you to the teachers and staff! We’ll wrap up the week and discuss Open House weekend and acknowledge all of the volunteers that make the weekend happen! Several students will assist at Sunday Mass on February 5. We’ll also invite Mrs. Recker and Mrs. Willard and acknowledge their contributions to the parish and school. If we encounter rain, we’ll host the assembly in Holy Cross Hall!
Day 6: Saturday February 4, 2017
Theme: Celebrating Families
TK and K OPEN HOUSE: To celebrate potential new families, TK and K will welcome prospective families and make cards inviting them to join St. Francis Xavier School.
Feel free to create an art opportunity earlier in the week for your classes to write cards of appreciation to their parents for choosing to send the students to St. Francis Xavier School.
Day 7: Saturday February 5, 2017
Theme: Celebrating our Parish
All-School Open House following the 10:30 A.M. Mass.
Student readers and participants to meet Dr. Sullivan by 10:15 A.M.
Thank you for your efforts in support of Catholic Schools Week 2017!!!
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