Thursday, January 5, 2017

Lancer 1-5-17

happ new year

Please remember to read this whole email for all upcoming events and information.

No Family envelope this week.
Tuition is due Jan. 10th.

Boots   Bling

Attention Fabulous SFX Families

As you all know our annual SFX Dinner Auction is the most important fundraiser of the year and it takes the participation of all of our families to make it a success. In keeping with SFX family guidelines, every family is required to contribute $75 or a new Donation item or items valued at $75 or more. Some examples of Donations we are in desperate need of include: New Electronics, New Unused Housewares, Gift Cards, Gift Subscriptions, Gift Certificates (for Services such as Hair styling, Make Up, Photography), Event Tickets, Sports Tickets, Sport & Entertainment Memorabilia. Family Donations are due no later than January 9. Families electing to donate $75 in lieu of a donation item will have it automatically added to their February 2017 tuition statement.
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Christmas Giving Success

Thank you to everyone who donated toys, gift cards, cash and clothing to the Native American children in Foster Care.
Every single child of the 107 listed received at least one gift! The Department of Child and Family Services supervisor was so touched by your generosity that she cried. Two cars were filled with gifts for the children
Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart!
Karry Luttge


Feast of Ten Tables

Be the Chef for the Day! Do you make one very special food? The Feast of Ten Tables needs YOU! We are looking for friends who like to cook and could host a table at this year's Feast. You only need to make one item that can be served in small portions to 350 people. If you are interested please contact Rita in the Parish office at 504-4400.
If you cannot cook please come and enjoy the feast on Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017.
coat drive

Student Council Sponsors Winter Clothing Drive

The St. Francis Xavier School Student Council is sponsoring a Winter Clothing Drive starting January 9, 2017 through January 20, 2017. We will collect any of your outgrown or reasonably worn, warm winter clothing during this time. All of the collected clothing will be given to the St. Charles Service Center to subsidize their efforts in taking care of the needy people who call upon them for help. Please send in your donations to your classroom. We will deliver the collection to the St. Charles Service Center.
Many thanks for your help with this important drive.

Open House and Entrance to St. Francis Xavier School

Come and explore the academics, special subjects, extracurricular activities, and enrichment at St. Francis Xavier School. The Faculty and Staff are hosting an Open House on Sunday, February 5, 2017, at 11:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. On Saturday, February 4, 2017, Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten will host an Open House from 10:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M.
St. Francis Xavier School is currently accepting names to be placed on our waiting list of students interested in entering Transitional Kindergarten through Eighth Grade in August 2017. All families who wish to have their children considered for Fall entrance are asked to contact the school office between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. This includes families who have children currently enrolled at St. Francis Xavier School and would like younger or older siblings considered for admission.
In regard to Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Applicants: Due to the difference between ability and maturity levels and the corresponding relationship to school readiness, Kindergarten applicants must turn 5 years old by November 1st to be eligible to take the entrance screening. Transitional Kindergarten applicants must turn 4 years old by November 1st to be eligible for the entrance screening.
We look forward to meeting with you!
bake sale

Bake Sale this Weekend after all Masses!

Please support our bake sale, profits go to buying new chairs for Cabrini Hall.

newsletter  3 Jan 4 final

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